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[英]Moq - Specify Parameter Value

I'm trying to test a method, which relies on the value of one of the fields in my model (used as a parameter). 我正在尝试测试一种方法,该方法依赖于模型中一个字段的值(用作参数)。 I'm looking for help on how to mock this value, so my unit test will work. 我正在寻找有关如何模拟此值的帮助,因此我的单元测试将起作用。
Without setting this value, the test will follow the path to the exception. 不设置此值,测试将遵循异常的路径。


public class StatusViewerController : Controller
    private IERERepository _ereRepository;

    //Dependency Injection
    public StatusViewerController(IERERepository ereRepository)
        _ereRepository = ereRepository;

    public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "RecordID,ClientNumber")] StatusViewerFormViewModel model)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //Send to one of two functions depending on RecordID value 
                if (model.RecordID == null)

                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                throw new HttpException(500, "Internal Server Error");
            throw new HttpException(400, "ModelState Invalid");


/// <summary>
/// Tests the Edit method for ActionResult return type
/// </summary>
public void StatusViewer_Edit_Returns_ActionResult()
    var mockRepository = new Mock<IERERepository>();

    StatusViewerController controller = new StatusViewerController(mockRepository.Object);

    //I need to set the value of RecordID here or else this test will fail
    //It will return an exception
    ActionResult result = controller.Edit(It.IsAny<StatusViewerFormViewModel>());

    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ActionResult));

Just create the model and call the method under test. 只需创建模型并调用被测方法即可。

What you have not done is setup your dependency for the controller. 您尚未完成的工作就是为控制器设置依赖项。

/// <summary>
/// Tests the Edit method for ActionResult return type
/// </summary>
public void StatusViewer_Edit_Returns_ActionResult()
    var mockRepository = new Mock<IERERepository>();
        .Setup(m => m.StatusViewerInsert(It.IsAny<StatusViewerFormViewModel>())

    var controller = new StatusViewerController(mockRepository.Object);

    var model = new StatusViewerFormViewModel {
        RecordID = "set the value of RecordID here",
        ClientNumber = "Other property value here",
        //...other properties

    ActionResult result = controller.Edit(model);

    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ActionResult));
    mockRepository.Verify();//verify that the repository was called.

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