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[英]Mongoose query in array for retrieving elements starting from index 0 to n where n is the position of the element from the last

I want to return all elements of my array which appear before a particular position in the array from the last, for example see below example. 我想返回数组的所有元素,这些元素从最后一个出现在数组的特定位置之前,例如,请参见下面的示例。

var arr = [59, 34, 6, 9, 45, 67, 89, 56, 34, 26, 56, 45] now for position = 5 which means 5th position from the last which is 56 i want to get array [56, 89, 67, 45, 9, 6, 34, 59] var arr = [59,34,6,9,45,67,89,56,34,26,56,45]现在位置= 5,这意味着从最后一个是56的第五个位置,我想获取数组[56 ,89,67,45,9,6,34,59]

Mongoose Schema 猫鼬模式

var user_coupons_schema = new Schema({
mobile_no: {type: String, unique: true},
coupons: [{type: String}]

Mongoose query 猫鼬查询

usercoupons.findOne({mobile_no: mobile_no}, {'_id':0, coupons: { "$slice": [-skip, limit]}}, function(err, docs) {

Update 更新资料

Using Aggregation my code is given below but can someone please tell me why below value is coming NaN inside $slice 使用聚合我的代码在下面给出,但是有人可以告诉我为什么下面的值在$ slice中变成NaN

"arr_size" - skip -> NaN “ arr_size”-跳过-> NaN

        { $match : {mobile_no: mobile_no} },
        { $project: {arr_size: {$size: "$coupons"}} },
        { $project: {_id:0, coupons: { "$slice": [0, "arr_size" - skip]}} },
        function(err, docs) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                if (docs) {
                } else {

I'm going to assume you simply have a JavaScript array based on your comment. 我将假设您只是基于您的注释的JavaScript数组。

var arr = [59, 34, 6, 9, 45, 67, 89, 56, 34, 26, 56, 45];
var ind = 5;
var subset = arr.slice(0, arr.length - ind + 1); // if you want to include value at ind'th position from the last
// OR    
var subset = arr.slice(0, arr.length - ind); // if you don't want to include value at ind'th position from the last

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