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[英]Selenium: how to find element with with specific text without contains option

Please see this: 请看这个:

<option data-="OK" value="110">
My Text

<option data-="OK" value="111">
My Text 2

I want to find specific element, so i have try this: 我想找到特定的元素,所以我尝试了这个:

option[contains(text(),'My Text')]

So i this case i found 2 WebElements while i want to find the one that i want, i also try this: 所以在这种情况下,我想找到2个WebElements而我也想尝试一下:

option[text()='My Text']

But in this case nothing found. 但是在这种情况下什么也没找到。

Any suggestions ? 有什么建议么 ?

Edit: 编辑:

<optgroup label="some text">



option[normalize-space(text())='My Text']

Is this a dropdown you are trying to select value from? 这是您要从中选择值的下拉菜单吗?

for drop-downs you can try, 对于下拉菜单,您可以尝试,

WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[@YOUR-XPATH-HERE"));
Select se=new Select(element);

or 要么

se.selectByVisibleText("My Text");

or 要么


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