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[英]local website connect to wordpress online

Long time reader first time asker, if my question is silly or missing info or miss titled lemme know and I'll fix it. 如果我的问题是愚蠢的或缺少信息,或者缺少标题为lemme的读者,那么长期的读者第一次询问就可以了,我会解决的。

Okay, so I'm working at a community center for the next 8 weeks as a tech help assistant, I'm also a CS student. 好的,接下来的8周,我将在社区中心工作,担任技术帮助助理,我也是CS学生。

They have a web application that is quite old running locally on an iis server (version 7). 他们有一个相当老的Web应用程序,它在iis服务器(版本7)上本地运行。 It's for keeping track of their members, events and registration It's written in asp.net and is using and Access database. 它用于跟踪其成员,事件和注册它是用asp.net编写的,并且正在使用和Access数据库。 They also have a wordpress website (php, mysql, apache) for advertising events and sharing information about what's going on in the community. 他们也有一个wordpress网站(php,mysql,apache),用于广告活动和共享社区中正在发生的事情的信息。

What they would like is to link their wordpress to the local application. 他们想要的是将他们的wordpress链接到本地​​应用程序。 I've been racking my brain about if this is even possible or not. 我一直在绞尽脑汁,即使这是不可能的。 I'm leaning towards not possible because the local application and shouldn't be outward facing as it has sensitive data on it and was not designed to be secure in the face of would-be hackers. 我倾向于不可能,因为本地应用程序不应该面向外部,因为它上面有敏感数据,并且在面对潜在的黑客时也不是安全的。

The only solution that I could think of is create a "walled off" section of the computer hosting the local application. 我能想到的唯一解决方案是在托管本地应用程序的计算机上创建“隔离”部分。 Also an outward facing port that accepts incoming data from the wordpress site that is then passed onto the access database as an update (increasing a counter for the amount of people registered to a program). 也是一个面向外部的端口,该端口从wordpress站点接收传入的数据,然后将其作为更新传递到访问数据库中(增加注册到程序的人数的计数器)。 It needs to be possible for a file to have some kind of global (from the web) executable permissions and have all the other files on the localhost computer locked down from this global permission. 文件可能需要具有某种全局(来自Web)可执行文件的权限,并使本地计算机上的所有其他文件都受此全局权限锁定。

We would also need to be able to get 2 boolean values from the local app for the wordpress site. 我们还需要能够从本地应用程序的wordpress网站获取2个布尔值。 This is for if the program/camp/whatever is full and if the update was unsuccessful in the event of something going wrong. 这用于程序/训练营/什么都已满,并且在出现问题时更新不成功。 I'm just not sure if something like that is even possible and where to start with that. 我只是不确定这样的事情是否可行,以及从哪里开始。 The most important thing is that it's secure. 最重要的是它的安全性。

If a secure API could work I have time to create something like that. 如果安全的API可以正常工作,我有时间创建类似的东西。

I don't have enough time to upgrade their local system to make it safe enough to be online because I have to run tech help sessions. 我没有足够的时间来升级他们的本地系统,以使其足够安全以使其可以联机,因为我必须运行技术帮助会议。 I know that is the most realistic option. 我知道这是最现实的选择。

Thanks very much 非常感谢

What they would like is to link their wordpress to the local application. 他们想要的是将他们的wordpress链接到本地​​应用程序。 I've been racking my brain about if this is even possible or not. 我一直在绞尽脑汁,即使这是不可能的。 I'm leaning towards not possible because the local application and shouldn't be outward facing as it has sensitive data on it and was not designed to be secure in the face of would-be hackers. 我倾向于不可能,因为本地应用程序不应该面向外部,因为它上面有敏感数据,并且在面对潜在的黑客时也不是安全的。

I think you've hit the nail on the head right there. 我认为您已经在那头上钉了钉子。 It looks like you have a decent understanding of the situation but not of their internal app. 您似乎对情况有一个不错的了解,但对他们的内部应用却没有。 The fact is that it's hard to scope something like this without getting in and getting details. 事实是,很难在不了解细节的情况下确定此类范围。 Step 1 would be to see if you can talk to whoever it is that built the thing and get their feedback. 第1步将是查看您是否可以与构建该事物的任何人进行交谈并获取他们的反馈。 It might be secure enough to expose some sort of connection. 它可能足够安全以公开某种连接。

Really there's not enough information here to determine a good answer, and you should be wary of anyone that says it's secure. 确实,这里没有足够的信息来确定一个好的答案,您应该对任何认为安全的人保持警惕。 There are a ton of factors that go into web security. Web安全涉及很多因素。

You might be able to throw together a basic RESTful API with authentication to send only to the wordpress site's IP. 您可能可以将具有身份验证的基本RESTful API组合在一起,仅发送到wordpress网站的IP。 But if it's sharing the IP that information can be consumed by third parties so you'll have to decide if that is an okay risk. 但是,如果共享IP,则第三方可以使用该信息,因此您必须确定这是否存在风险。

I wouldn't try and expose everything and partition with apache. 我不会尝试用apache公开所有内容和分区。 A basic RESTful API with authentication would be best at first glance IMO. 乍看之下,具有身份验证的基本RESTful API最好。 That way you only show consumable data and limit what can be used. 这样,您仅显示消耗性数据并限制可使用的数据。

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