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[英]List all dates between range

I've seen this asked before, but couldn't get an answer that worked. 我以前曾问过这个问题,但找不到有效的答案。

I have 2 columns - startyear and endyear . 我有2列- startyearendyear I want to create a list of all years between the start and end year. 我想创建一个开始和结束年度之间所有年份的列表。 So if the row has a startyear of 2010 and an endyear of 2016, I want the list to show 2010, 2011, 2012, etc. 因此,如果该行的开始startyear为2010年, endyear为2016年,我希望该列表显示2010年,2011年,2012年等。

Do I have to somehow grab the oldest startyear and newest endyear throughout all rows? 我是否必须以某种方式获取所有行中最早的startyear和最新的endyear

 SELECT StartYear, EndYear
 FROM TestYear

You can do this with a recursive CTE : 您可以使用递归CTE进行此操作:

;With MaxMin As
    Select  Min(StartYear)  As First,
            Max(EndYear)    As Last
    From    TestYear
), Years (Year) As
    Select  First From MaxMin Union All
    Select  Year + 1 
    From    Years
    Where   Year < (Select Last From MaxMin)
Select  *
From    Years

Try something like this in a Stored Procedure. 在存储过程中尝试类似的操作。

SELECT * INTO #FileDates
FROM (SELECT distinct year(startyear) as year from filename ) 
SELECT * INTO #FileDates2
    FROM (SELECT distinct year(endyear) as year from filename ) 

select distinct year from #FileDate, #FileDate2

Also you might want to check out: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/stairway/119892/ 另外,您可能想签出: http : //www.sqlservercentral.com/stairway/119892/

Use a recursive cte to do this. 使用递归cte执行此操作。

declare @startyear int = 2010; --or any other number or a select query
declare @endyear int = 2020; --or any other number or a select query
with years(yr) as 
 select @startyear
 union all
 select yr+1 from years where yr < @endyear
select * from years;

Sample Data 样本数据

Declare @t Table (StartYear INT , EndYear INT)
INSERT INTO @t Values (2010 , 2011), (2012 , 2016);

Query 询问


Select MIN(StartYear) MinYear
      ,MAX(EndYear)   MaxYear
Select TOP ((Select MaxYear FROM X) 
           - (Select MinYear FROM X) + 1)
    ROW_Number() Over (Order by (Select NULL)) 
    + (Select MinYear FROM X) -1 rn
FROM master..spt_values a 
         Cross Join master..spt_values b

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