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[英]When dotnet tool won't start up (failed to initialize) what environment variable do I set to get more verbose information?

I know I've read on a blog somewhere or other that you can set some environment variable to give you more information when you have a crash at startup invoking the dotnet tool (asp.net core dotnet command line tool). 我知道我已经在某处或其他地方的博客上阅读过你可以设置一些环境变量,以便在启动时调用dotnet工具(asp.net core dotnet命令行工具)时发生崩溃时提供更多信息。

I'm using dotnet 1.0.0 rtm on an OpenSuSE linux system and it's crashing like this: 我在OpenSuSE linux系统上使用dotnet 1.0.0 rtm,它崩溃了:

> dotnet version
Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80131500

To get more information about why, is there some environment variable I can set to tell me why it won't start up? 为了获得有关原因的更多信息,是否有一些环境变量我可以设置告诉我为什么它不会启动?

I do know you can get some unix system info with dotnet --info but that also crashes in my case with the same failed to initialize error. 我知道你可以通过dotnet --info得到一些unix系统信息,但是在我的情况下崩溃同样也无法初始化错误。

I know I can do an strace (strace dotnet version) but I think there's something BUILT IN 我知道我可以做一个strace(strace dotnet版本),但我认为有一些内置


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