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[英]angular material modal and ng-file-upload

I am working on image upload using angular material, ng-file-upload , and ng-imgcrop-extended . 我正在使用角度材质, ng-file-uploadng-imgcrop-extended进行图像上传。 I was previously using all of this on a normal page, and everything was working fine, but requirements have changed and I had to move this logic to a modal. 我以前在正常页面上使用了所有这些功能,并且一切正常,但是需求已经改变,因此我不得不将此逻辑转换为模式。

The way it works is I am using ng-imgcrop to crop the photos, and ng-file-upload does the uploading. 它的工作方式是我使用ng-imgcrop裁剪照片,然后ng-file-upload进行上传。 So right now, I have an element listening to the file select, and that handles the cropping. 因此,现在,我有一个侦听文件选择的元素,该元素负责裁剪。 Right now however, it is not listening to the file select, and I can only reason that is from the modal. 但是现在,它没有在听文件选择,我只能从模态中进行推理。

Here is my code 这是我的代码

modal render 模态渲染

$scope.headshotModal = function(ev) {
  var useFullScreen;
  useFullScreen = ($mdMedia('sm') || $mdMedia('xs')) && $scope.customFullscreen;
    locals: {
      p: $scope.persona
    controller: 'ImagesController',
    templateUrl: 'application/views/images/image_modal.html',
    parent: angular.element(document.body),
    targetEvent: ev,
    clickOutsideToClose: true,
    fullscreen: useFullScreen
  }).then((function(answer) {
    $scope.status = 'You said the information was "' + answer + '".';
  }), function() {
    $scope.status = 'You cancelled the dialog.';
  $scope.$watch((function() {
    return $mdMedia('xs') || $mdMedia('sm');
  }), function(wantsFullScreen) {
    $scope.customFullscreen = wantsFullScreen === true;

images_controller images_controller

angular.module('App').controller('ImagesController', [
  '$scope', 'p', '$mdDialog', 'ImageService', '$routeParams', function($scope, p, $mdDialog, ImageService, $routeParams) {
    var handleFileSelect;
    $scope.persona = p;
    $scope.uploadedImg = false;
    $scope.myCroppedImage = '';
    $scope.myImage = '';
    $scope.blockingObject = {
      block: true
    $scope.callTestFuntion = function() {
      $scope.blockingObject.render(function(dataURL) {
        $scope.showRender = true;
        console.log('via render');
    $scope.blockingObject.callback = function(dataURL) {
      console.log('via function');
    handleFileSelect = function(evt) {
      var file, reader;
      file = evt.currentTarget.files[0];
      $scope.uploadedImg = true;
      reader = new FileReader;
      reader.onload = function(evt) {
        $scope.$apply(function($scope) {
          $scope.myImage = evt.target.result;
    angular.element(document.querySelector('#imgInput')).on('change', function() {
      // this function runs the code needed. it is not being triggered
    $scope.thenRedirect = function() {
      return window.location.href = "personas/" + $scope.persona.slug;
    $scope.testCrop = function(file) {
      ImageService.uploadCroppedImg(file, 'headshot', $routeParams, $scope.cropAttributes);
      return $scope.thenRedirect();
    $scope.cancel = function() {
      $scope.uploadedImg = false;
      return $scope.showRender = false;
    $scope.hide = function() {
    return $scope.cancelOut = function() {

modal.slim 模态

md-dialog.fs [style="width: 100%; margin-left:25%; margin-right: 25%;" aria-label=("Image Edit") ng-cloak=""]
      h2 Image Edit
      span flex=""
      md-button.md-icon-button [ng-click="cancelOut()" aria-label="Cancel"]
      h2.text-center Edit Your Headshot

        | Select an image file:
        input#imgInput [type="file" ngf-select accept="image/*" ng-model="headshotFile"] /
      / [ng-show='uploadedImg']
        md-button.render-btn[ng-click="callTestFuntion()"]  Render
          img-crop cropject='cropAttributes' area-type="rectangle" image="myImage" live-view="blockingObject" result-image="myCroppedImage"

      a.img-upload [href="#" ngf-select="uploadBanner($file)" ngf-dimensions="$width > 149 && $height > 149"]
        span Banner

      a.img-upload[style='cursor: pointer;'ng-click="testCrop(headshotFile)"]
        span Upload

      a.cancel-img.img-upload [href="#" ng-click="cancel()"]
        span Cancel

this code works on a normal html page. 此代码在普通的html页面上有效。 But the problem seems to be it cannot listen to the angular.element(document.querySelector('#imgInput')).on('change') part of the ImagesController . 但问题似乎就不能听angular.element(document.querySelector('#imgInput')).on('change')中的一部分ImagesController does anyone know how using a modal, I can handle these types of events? 有谁知道如何使用模式来处理这些类型的事件? I have seen that I might have to wrap some logic in the $mdDialog.show().resolve() function, but i'm not sure what it's expecting. 我已经看到我可能必须在$mdDialog.show().resolve()函数中包装一些逻辑,但是我不确定它期望什么。

Any help would be appreciated :) 任何帮助,将不胜感激 :)

Based on your results, I would approach this problem by wiring up the event in the onShowing or onComplete event for the dialog. 根据您的结果,我可以通过在对话框的onShowing或onComplete事件中连接事件来解决此问题。 I would create a callback function here: 我会在这里创建一个回调函数:

    locals: {
      p: $scope.persona
    controller: 'ImagesController',
    templateUrl: 'application/views/images/image_modal.html',
    parent: angular.element(document.body),
    targetEvent: ev,
    clickOutsideToClose: true,
    fullscreen: useFullScreen,
    onComplete: wireUpChangeEvent,
    onRemoving: removeChangeEvent // so it doesn't get wired up multiple times

I'm not 100%, but I think the dialog stays on the DOM after you hide(close) it. 我不是100%,但是我认为在隐藏(关闭)对话框后,对话框仍停留在DOM上。 If that's the case, you either need the onRemoving event function or a check to see if it's already been wired up to prevent multiple firings. 在这种情况下,您要么需要onRemoving事件函数,要么需要检查它是否已经连接好以防止多次触发。 The function would be called from the controller that launches the dialog. 该函数将从启动对话框的控制器中调用。 You may need to make the two of them share the same scope by using the scope option and telling it to preserveScope. 您可能需要通过使用scope选项并告知它以saveScope来使它们两个共享相同的范围。 I'm also not sure if the template will be loaded and on the DOM the first time onShowing is called, so it's probably safer to use onComplete. 我也不确定是否会在第一次调用onShowing时在DOM上加载模板,因此使用onComplete可能更安全。

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