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在Jboss7 OSGI上休眠(无EJB)

[英]Hibernate on Jboss7 OSGI (No EJB)

I use entity beans and some Stateless ejb that provide my HomeLocal and HomeRemote interface, where I inject persistenceContext and obtain EntityManager . 我使用实体bean和一些提供HomeLocalHomeRemote接口的无状态ejb,在其中注入persistenceContext并获取EntityManager

As new requirement (migration on Karaf) I have to get rid of all EJB. 作为新要求(在Karaf上进行迁移),我必须摆脱所有EJB。

My question is how can I replace this stateless ejb with simple DAO classes and inject or obtain Entity manager in these classes? 我的问题是如何用简单的DAO类替换此无状态ejb,并在这些类中注入或获取实体管理器?

My JPA provider is hibernate. 我的JPA提供程序处于休眠状态。

I need some example, tutorials or any kind of help. 我需要一些示例,教程或任何形式的帮助。

You could use the Apache Aries project: 您可以使用Apache Aries项目:

Amusing you will be using blueprint, declare your bean and define a service (assuming you want to use services) 有趣的是您将使用蓝图,声明您的bean并定义一个服务(假设您要使用服务)

<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"

    <bean id="jpaDemo" init-method="init" class="org.demo.osgi.datasource.jpa.JpaComponentImpl">
        <jpa:context unitname="demo" property="entityManager"/>
        <tx:transaction method="*" value="Required"/>

    <service ref="jpaDemo" interface="org.demo.osgi.datasource.jpa.JpaComponent"/>


The JpaComponent can then use the injected entityManager (code in Scala, but i'm sure you'll get the idea) 然后, JpaComponent可以使用注入的entityManager (Scala中的代码,但我确定您会明白的)

trait JpaComponent {

class JpaComponentImpl extends JpaComponent {

  val logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[JpaComponent])

  var entityManager : EntityManager = _

  def init = {

Place a persistence.xml in your bundle (eg, META-INF/persistence.xml ). persistence.xml放在您的捆绑包中(例如META-INF/persistence.xml )。 Sample below: 示例如下:

<persistence-unit name="demo" transaction-type="JTA">

You will need the following features: 您将需要以下功能:

  • jpa pa
  • hibernate 冬眠的
  • jndi 金迪
  • transaction 交易

And the following bundles 和以下捆绑

  • mvn:org.apache.aries/org.apache.aries.util/1.0.1
  • mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.api/1.0.1
  • mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container.context/1.0.1

Plus set the following OSGI meta-data 另外设置以下OSGI元数据

  • Meta-Persistence: META-INF/persistence.xml 元持久性:META-INF / persistence.xml
  • Service-Component: * 服务组件:*

See also https://github.com/rparree/osgi-demos/tree/master/datasource for the sample from above 另请参阅https://github.com/rparree/osgi-demos/tree/master/datasource以获取上述示例

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