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通过 AmpScript 组合多行中的 1 个字段

[英]Combine 1 field from multiple rows via AmpScript

I have a data extension which contains rows and columns such as:我有一个包含行和列的数据扩展,例如:

emailAddress     orderNumber   firstName   lastName   customerOrder
cust1@gmail.com  1111          Bill        Adams      2 brown shoes
cust1@gmail.com  1111          Bill        Adams      2 green socks
cust1@gmail.com  1111          Bill        Adams      1 orange backpack
cust1@gmail.com  2222          Bill        Adams      2 pink gloves
cust2@gmail.com  3333          David       Sherwood   5 yellow hats

What I'm trying to do is to create an order received email from this data, preferably without altering it from the source.我想要做的是从这些数据中创建一个收到电子邮件的订单,最好不要从源中更改它。 So ideally the email output would group the customerOrder for each customer, based on the orderNumber.因此,理想情况下,电子邮件输出将根据 orderNumber 对每个客户的 customerOrder 进行分组。 Then the customerOrder is concatenated and inserted into an email (note the above is simplified quite a bit, the customerOrder is actually HTML for insertion into an HTML table within the email).然后将 customerOrder 连接起来并插入到电子邮件中(请注意,上面简化了很多,customerOrder 实际上是用于插入到电子邮件中的 HTML 表中的 HTML)。

So far I've been able to make this much very basic progress:到目前为止,我已经取得了非常基本的进步:

Set @customerOrder = 

With this code I can see that I have 3 entries for order number 1111. But now I'm stuck.使用此代码,我可以看到订单号 1111 有 3 个条目。但现在我卡住了。 Do I need to create an if/then loop?我需要创建一个 if/then 循环吗? Or is there some way to take the output from the LookupOrderedRows function and parse it for use in the HTML table within the email?或者有什么方法可以从 LookupOrderedRows 函数中获取输出并解析它以在电子邮件中的 HTML 表中使用?

Using one of the lookup examples on my blog, you can do something like this:使用我博客上的查找示例之一,您可以执行以下操作:

var @rows, @row, @rowCount, @numRowsToReturn, @emailAddress, @i, @prevOrderNumber

set @emailAddress = AttributeValue("emailaddr")
set @numRowsToReturn = 0 /* 0 means all */
set @rows = LookupOrderedRows("transactionsList", @numRowsToReturn, "orderNumber", "emailAddress", @emailAddress)

set @rowCount = rowcount(@rows)

if @rowCount > 0 then

    set @prevOrderNumber = ""

    for @i = 1 to @rowCount do

        var @orderNumber, @firstName, @lastName, @customerOrder
        set @row = row(@rows,@i) /* get row based on loop counter */

        set @orderNumber = field(@row,"orderNumber")
        set @firstName = field(@row,"firstName")
        set @lastName = field(@row,"lastName")
        set @customerOrder = field(@row,"customerOrder")

        /* output headings for first order or when order # changes */
        if empty(@prevOrderNumber) or @prevOrderNumber != @orderNumber then 
           outputline(concat("<br>Order #:", @orderNumber))
           outputline(concat("<br>Name: ", @firstName, " ", @lastName))
           outputline(concat("<br>Line items:<br>"))
           set @prevOrderNumber = @orderNumber


    next @i


    outputline(concat("<br>No transactionsList rows found"))


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