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[英]Redirect URLs without .htaccess

I have a website that contains URLs in this format www.example.com/jobs.php?id=123456 我有一个网站,其中包含以下格式的URL: www.example.com/jobs.php?id=123456

All URLs are stored in a database. 所有URL都存储在数据库中。

I want to make SEO friendly URLs (example: www.example.com/this-is-my-first-job ) 我想制作SEO友好的URL(例如: www.example.com/this-is-my-first-job

I have built this website in php. 我已经用php建立了这个网站。

is it possible to generate SEO friendly urls from the current format without modifying the .htaccess file ? 是否可以在不修改.htaccess文件的情况下从当前格式生成SEO友好的url?

I am saying simple. 我说的很简单。

When someone post a job to my website, I store all information in database and generate a unique key (let say 123456) and populate on a single page based on the URL that would be www.somewebsite.com?mypage?id=123456 Now I want the existing url to be changed. 当有人将工作发布到我的网站时,我将所有信息存储在数据库中并生成一个唯一的密钥(假设为123456),并基于URL填充到单个页面上,该URL为www.somewebsite.com?mypage?id=123456现在我希望更改现有网址。 I want that when user hit this URL, he will automatically be redirected to some different URL that is stored in database too. 我希望当用户点击该URL时,他也将自动重定向到存储在数据库中的某些其他URL。

As far i understand your question, first you need .htaccess for SEO friendly URL. 据我所知,您首先需要.htaccess以获得SEO友好URL。 Now, for example www.example.com/jobs.php?id=123456 is an URL and you want to redirect the user to www.example.com/this-is-my-first-job which is stored in database. 现在,例如www.example.com/jobs.php?id=123456是一个URL,您想将用户重定向到存储在数据库中的www.example.com/this-is-my-first-job Let see, 让我们看看,

   //get the slug from database against id
   header("Location: www.example.com/".$slug);

How to get the id from slug? 如何从子弹中获取ID?

write in .htaccess 用.htaccess写

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule (.*)$ index.php?slug=$1 [QSA,NC,L]

now in PHP 现在在PHP

     //get the id from database against slug

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