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Ubuntu上Dotnet Core中的客户端证书

[英]Client Certificates in Dotnet Core on Ubuntu

all - I've written a dotnet core API set that functions perfectly on windows. 全部-我编写了一个在Windows上完美运行的dotnet核心API集。 On Ubuntu 14.04, everything works except for one SOAP request to a vendor that uses a client certificate for authentication. 在Ubuntu 14.04上,除了向使用客户端证书进行身份验证的供应商的一个SOAP请求外,其他所有功能均有效。

The request always times out. 该请求始终超时。 A Netstat trace shows that only 1 byte of data was sent to the remote service on 443. No communication happens for 100 seconds and then the app throws a timeout exception. Netstat跟踪显示在443上仅1字节的数据发送到了远程服务。100秒钟没有通信发生,然后该应用程序引发了超时异常。

I've tried using openssl to export PEM and CRT files and referenced those in addition to the way the code is configured now (pfx w/ password). 我尝试使用openssl导出PEM和CRT文件,并引用了这些代码,以及现在配置代码的方式(带有密码的pfx)。 I've also loaded the certificate portions of the PFX into ca-certs. 我还将PFX的证书部分加载到ca-certs中。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

        var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
        binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport;
        binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Certificate;

        var baseAddress = new Uri(mySettings.ClientUrl);
        factory = new ChannelFactory<SingleSignOnSoap>(binding, new EndpointAddress(baseAddress));
        if (RuntimeEnvironment.OperatingSystemPlatform == Platform.Windows)
            //windows file location
            factory.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = new X509Certificate2(mySettings.PrivateKeyWindowsPath, mySettings.PfxPass);
            //linux file location
            factory.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = new X509Certificate2(mySettings.ClientPrivateKeyUnixPath, mySettings.PfxPass);


        serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
        RequestTicketRequest request = new RequestTicketRequest();
        RequestTicketRequestBody requestBody = new RequestTicketRequestBody(xmlRequest);
        request.Body = requestBody;

        RequestTicketResponse response = serviceProxy.RequestTicket(request);

        return response.Body.RequestTicketResult;

Wireshark and Tshark show the authentication is actually working ok. Wireshark和Tshark显示身份验证确实可以正常进行。 The timeout is happening because the ServiceFactory is waiting to receive the response, but the network has sent a connection reset flag ([RST, ACK]) to the remote server. 发生超时是因为ServiceFactory正在等待接收响应,但是网络已向远程服务器发送了连接重置标志([RST,ACK])。 I've been able to reproduce on multiple linux distros so I'm adding an issue to the dotnet core WCF team's queue on github. 我已经能够在多个Linux发行版上进行复制,所以我为GitHub上的dotnet核心WCF团队添加了一个问题。

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