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[英]Vim color scheme with terminator

I've been using terminator for a while, but I just noticed that it is not pulling in the correct color scheme from my .vimrc You can see from the image below that terminal is pulling in the correct color scheme, but terminator is not. 我一直在使用终结器,但我只是注意到它没有从我的.vimrc中提取正确的颜色方案你可以从下面的图像中看到终端正在拉入正确的颜色方案,但终结器不是。 I'm assuming it's because terminator has the 'color' option which overrides the one I have set up in .vimrc, but is there anyway to have it not do this? 我假设它是因为终结器有'颜色'选项,它覆盖了我在.vimrc中设置的那个,但无论如何要让它不这样做? I'd prefer having the alternative version. 我更喜欢有替代版本。


This is my .vimrc 这是我的.vimrc

set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required

set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plugin 'zeis/vim-kolor'
Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plugin 'vim-latex/vim-latex'
call vundle#end()            " required
filetype plugin indent on    " required
filetype plugin on

colorscheme kolor

Try setting the background and t_Co options before you set the colorscheme. 在设置colorscheme之前,请尝试设置backgroundt_Co选项。

set background=dark
set t_Co=256

Another option may be to adjust the terminator theme to be the same as the other terminal. 另一种选择可以是将终结者主题调整为与另一终端相同。

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