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[英]Remove items from Array skips certain items

I have the following page (simple): 我有以下页面(简单): 在此处输入图片说明

As you can see, at the top I have an input, then <ul> and finally a button to save changes. 如您所见,在顶部,我有一个输入,然后是<ul> ,最后是一个保存更改的按钮。 My <ul> is bound to a array of items . 我的<ul>绑定到一组items Once user clicks Uloz zmeny (Save Changes) I am triggering ng-click="vm.SaveChanges()" which looks like following: 用户单击Uloz zmeny(保存更改)后,我将触发ng-click="vm.SaveChanges()" ,如下所示:

    vm.SaveChanges = function () {
        angular.forEach(vm.items, function (value, key) {

            if (value.toRemove == true) {
                //remove item from the list

                var iIndex = vm.items.indexOf(value);
                vm.items.splice(iIndex, 1);

where vm is defined as following at the beginning of my code: 在我的代码开头,其中vm的定义如下:

(function () {
    "use strict";

    angular.module("app-shopping").controller("itemsController", itemsController);

    function itemsController($http) {
        var vm = this;

        vm.items = [];.....more code after here

Every item under my '' has the following structure: “”下的每个项目都具有以下结构:

    "id": 2,
    "orderId": 2,
    "text": "Item 2",
    "toRemove": true

Finally, when user checks an item under the <li> I am triggering vm.toggleCompleted() which simply looks like this (it simply changes a boolean state of current item from true to false or vice versa): 最后,当用户检查<li>下的项目时,我触发了vm.toggleCompleted() ,它看起来像这样(它只是将当前项目的布尔状态从true更改为false,反之亦然):

    vm.toggleCompleted = function (sItem) {
        sItem.toRemove = !sItem.toRemove;

Here comes the question: Why when I run this code it does not remove all checked items in the array? 问题来了:为什么当我运行此代码时,它不会删除数组中的所有选中项? For example in this specific case (see image above) it would only remove Item 2 and skip Item 3 . 例如,在这种特定情况下(参见上图),它将仅删除Item 2并跳过Item 3 I believe that the problem is caused by the fact that when Item 2 is remove from the list, Item 3 takes the index of already existing Item 2 and therefore is skipped. 我认为该问题是由于以下事实造成的:从列表中删除Item 2时, Item 3取得了已经存在的Item 2的索引,因此被跳过。 Is this assumption correct? 这个假设正确吗? If yes, how do I need to change the code to make this run? 如果是,我该如何更改代码才能运行?

PS Edit to my code as recommended: PS根据建议编辑到我的代码:

        <li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="sItem in vm.items">
            <div class="checkbox checkbox-success">
                <input id="ListItem{{$index}}" type="checkbox" placeholder="test placeholder" ng-model="sItem.toRemove" ng-click="sItem.toRemove=!sItem.toRemove" />
                <label for="ListItem{{$index}}">{{sItem.text}}</label>

I have changed the code the following way and it is working now: 我已经按照以下方式更改了代码,并且现在可以正常工作:

    vm.SaveChanges = function () {
        for (var i = vm.items.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
            if (vm.items[i].toRemove == true)
                vm.items.splice(i, 1);

Instead of using toggleCompleted use below at the place of check-box input 而不是在复选框输入位置使用下面的toggleCompleted用法

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.toRemove" ng-click="item.toRemove=!item.toRemove" />

And Use your new saveChanges method .. this should work fine.. 并使用新的saveChanges方法..应该可以正常工作。


So, you code at the end should be like that: 因此,最后的代码应如下所示:

Template: 模板:

<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="sItem in vm.items">
    <div class="checkbox checkbox-success">
        <input id="ListItem{{$index}}" type="checkbox" placeholder="test placeholder" ng-click="sItem.toRemove = !sItem.toRemove" />
        <label for="ListItem{{$index}}">{{sItem.text}}</label>

<button class="btn btn-success" ng-click="SaveChanges()"> Save</button>

Controller: 控制器:

$scope.SaveChanges = function () {

        for (var i = $scope.vm.items.length - 1; i > -1; i--){
            if ($scope.vm.items[i].toRemove) {
                $scope.vm.items.splice(i, 1);

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