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[英]Textbox enable scaleY

I'm creating a custom class that extends Textbox and It needs to have y scale enabled. 我正在创建一个扩展Textbox的自定义类,并且需要启用y缩放。 It's y scale must have the same behavior as x scale to just change the element width/height not the fontSize. 它的y缩放必须具有与x缩放相同的行为,才能更改元素的宽度/高度而不是fontSize。

But I have already checked the whole Textbox's code and can't find what to override to have this behavior. 但是我已经检查了整个Textbox的代码,无法找到要覆盖此行为的内容。

Here is some code of what I'm doing: 这是我在做什么的一些代码:

https://fiddle.jshell.net/filiperoberto/zLz6cy2L/3/ https://fiddle.jshell.net/filiperoberto/zLz6cy2L/3/

I found a function at textbox_behavior.mixin.js in fabricjs that changes textbox scale behavior, I extended that function on my custom element to have the expected behavior. 我在fabricjs的textbox_behavior.mixin.js上找到了一个可更改文本框缩放行为的函数,我在自定义元素上扩展了该函数以具有预期的行为。

*Still needs some work *还需要一些工作

    var setObjectScaleOverridden = fabric.Canvas.prototype._setObjectScale;

    fabric.Canvas.prototype._setObjectScale = function(localMouse, transform,lockScalingX, lockScalingY, by, lockScalingFlip, _dim) {

        var t = transform.target;
        if (t instanceof fabric.FeedText) {
            var w = t.width * ((localMouse.x / transform.scaleX) / (t.width + t.strokeWidth));
            var h = t.height * ((localMouse.y / transform.scaleY) / (t.height + t.strokeWidth));
            if (w >= t.getMinWidth() && h >= t.minHeight) {
                t.set('width', w);
                return true;
        else {
            return setObjectScaleOverridden.call(fabric.Canvas.prototype, localMouse, transform,
                lockScalingX, lockScalingY, by, lockScalingFlip, _dim);

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