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[英]Dynamic form generalion and removal using meteor and Aldeed's autoform

I am using meteor and Aldeed's autoform to populate my database. 我正在使用meteor和Aldeed的autoform来填充我的数据库。 The basic functionality I want to achieve is this: 我想要实现的基本功能是:

  • Have principal form linked to a collection as normal. 将主要表单链接到正常的集合。
  • In the principal form, have a button add secondary which dynamically adds forms linked to a different collection. 在主体形式中,有一个按钮add secondary ,它动态添加链接到不同集合的表单。
  • The second form has a remove button which removes it. 第二个表单有一个remove按钮,删除它。

I followed the technique outlined here and put together the following code : 我按照这里概述的技术并将以下代码放在一起:

        <template name="PricipalForm">

        {{#autoForm collection="principal" id="Principalform" type="insert" }}
                <legend>Principal form</legend>
                {{> afQuickField name='field1'}}
                {{> afQuickField name='field2'}}
                <button id='add-inputs' type="button">
                        Add Proposal

                 {{#each inputs}}
                        {{> AddSecond}}

            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Insert</button>



Template.PrincipalForm.onCreated(function() {
   Session.set('props', []);

     'click #add-inputs': function () {
      var inputs = Session.get('inputs');
      var uniqid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000); /
      inputs.push({uniqid: uniqid});
      Session.set('inputs', inputs);

      inputs: function(){
         return Session.get('inputs');



 <template name ="SecondaryFrom">

     {{#autoForm collection="secondary" id="secondaryForm" type="insert" }}
       <legend> One instance of secondary form </legend>
          {{> afQuickField name='fieldA'  }}
          {{> afQuickField name='fieldB'}}
      <button class='remove-inputs' uniqid="{{uniqid}}" type="button">Remove</button>




     'click .remove-inputs': function(event) {
         var uniqid = $(event.currentTarget).attr('uniqid');
         var props = Session.get('inputs');
         props = _.filter(props, function(x) { return x.uniqid != uniqid; });
         Session.set('inputs', inputs);



This code works fine, there is only one bug that I do not understand: 这段代码工作正常,只有一个我不明白的bug:

  • I first add 3 secondary forms and put the values abc , efg , hij in fieldA of these three forms respectively. 我首先添加3种二次形式,并把值abcefghijfieldA分别这三种形式。
  • Then I remove the second secondary form with efg and what I get is that the remaining ones are abc and efg !! 然后我用efg删除第二个二级形式,我得到的是其余的是abcefg !!
  • where it gets more weird is that when I check the uniqid of the removed form is the one expected (and corresponding to the previous efg ). 更奇怪的是,当我检查删除的表单的uniqid是预期的那个(并且对应于之前的efg )。

So it seems that when I remove the form dynamically, the values that I type in persist somehow. 因此,当我动态删除表单时,我输入的值会以某种方式持久存在。

Can anyone please help out: 任何人都可以帮忙:

  • What goes wrong in what I am doing, how could I fix it? 我正在做什么出了什么问题,我怎么能解决它?
  • Is there perhaps a better way to do what I am trying to do? 是否有更好的方法来做我想做的事情?

I also tried to check the answer here , but the links provided were broken. 我也尝试在这里查看答案,但提供的链接已被破坏。

Thanks 谢谢

I solved the issue by fully using aldeed:autoform and aldeed:collection2 in order to generate my form rather than inserting the secondary template manually. 我通过完全使用aldeed:autoformaldeed:collection2来解决这个问题,以便生成我的表单而不是手动插入辅助模板。

This can be achieved by creating the two wanted schemas as usual and then putting the secondary schema as an array onto the primary. 这可以通过像往常一样创建两个所需的模式,然后将二级模式作为数组放到主模式上来实现。

Then it is a question of using {{> afArrayfield}} in autoform to achieve the intended result outlined in the question. 然后,这是一个在{{> afArrayfield}}中使用{{> afArrayfield}}来实现问题中概述的预期结果的问题。

The code would then look like this: 代码将如下所示:

//Schema definition:  
Primary = new Mongo.collection('Primary');
secondary = new SimpleSchema({
   /* ... */
 primary = new SimpleSchema({


//On the HTML form:
{{autoform collection="Primary" id= "form_example" type="insert"}}
   /* any fields*/
   {{afArrayField name = 'secondaries'}}

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