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[英]Converting a String Array into an Int Array in C#

I am trying to create a sorting system and I am attempting to turn a fairly long list of integers in string form into an int array to more easily be able to sort the array. 我正在尝试创建一个排序系统,并且试图将一个相当长的字符串形式的整数列表转换为一个int数组,以便能够更轻松地对数组进行排序。 The initial string array is formed via reading a list of integers from a text file. 初始字符串数组是通过从文本文件中读取整数列表形成的。

This is how the code currently looks and I am currently working on the basis of sorting the year: 这是当前代码的外观,我目前正在根据年份进行排序:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;

namespace Climate_Sorting_Application
    public class Program
        public static string[] monthArray = File.ReadAllLines("Month.txt");
        public static string[] yearArrayPre = File.ReadAllLines("Year.txt");
        public static string[] afArray = File.ReadAllLines("WS1_AF.txt");
        public static string[] rainArray = File.ReadAllLines("WS1_Rain.txt");
        public static string[] sunArray = File.ReadAllLines("WS1_Sun.txt");
        public static string[] tmaxArray = File.ReadAllLines("WS1_TMax.txt");
        public static string[] tminArray = File.ReadAllLines("WS1_TMin.txt");
        public static string[] af2Array = File.ReadAllLines("WS2_Rain.txt");
        public static string[] rain2Array = File.ReadAllLines("WS2_Rain.txt");
        public static string[] sun2Array = File.ReadAllLines("WS2_Sun.txt");
        public static string[] tmax2Array = File.ReadAllLines("WS2_TMax.txt");
        public static string[] tmin2Array = File.ReadAllLines("WS2_TMin.txt");
        public static string arrayToAnalyse;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Please Specify the Data to be Analysed");
            Console.WriteLine("You must specify the Text File name (Do not include .txt");
            arrayToAnalyse = Console.ReadLine();


        private static void sortProcess()


Is there any way of easily converting to the correct data type? 有什么方法可以轻松转换为正确的数据类型? Or even a way of converting it to an int value array during the initial file reading? 还是在初始文件读取期间将其转换为int值数组的方法?

Sure! 当然! LINQ can really make things simple: LINQ确实可以使事情变得简单:

int[] someArray = File.ReadAllLines(filename).Select(int.Parse).ToArray();

That will run every line that's read in through the int.Parse() method and then convert those results to an array. 这将运行通过int.Parse()方法读取的每一行,然后将这些结果转换为数组。

ToCharArray? ToCharArray? A Char is simply an int in memory. 字符只是内存中的一个整数。

Or you could read the string in A for loop and do an int.parse(index). 或者,您可以在A for循环中读取字符串,然后执行int.parse(index)。

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2c7h58e5(v=vs.110).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/2c7h58e5(v=vs.110).aspx

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