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如何在Spring-Data中使用MongoDB $ let?

[英]How to use MongoDB $let with Spring-Data?

I have a MongoDB collection of places. 我有一个MongoDB地方集合。 A typical place has most of the following fields: 一个典型的地方具有以下大多数字段:

"_id" : ObjectId("575014dc6b028f07bef53681"),
"_class" : "domain.model.PlaceV1",
"name" : "Γιασεμί",
"primary_photo_url" : "https://irs0.4sqi.net/img/general/original/34666238_STHSh6CHiC7hpAuB4rztRVg6cFc5ylfi15aRaR7zUuQ.jpg",
"seenDetails" : NumberLong(0),
"foursquare_checkins" : 646,
"foursquare_tips" : 28,
"keywords" : [ 
"verified" : 1,
"location" : {
    "loc" : {
        "type" : "Point",
        "coordinates" : [ 
    "formattedAddress" : "Χώρα",
    "locality" : "Amorgos",
    "first_neighbourhood" : "Katapola",
    "greek_locality" : "Αμοργός",
    "greek_first_neighbourhood" : "Κατάπολα"
"contact" : {
    "phone_numbers" : [ 
        "+30 2285 074017"
"price" : {
    "priceVotes" : NumberLong(0),
    "price" : 0,
    "priceVotesSum" : NumberLong(0)
"rating" : {
    "rating" : 8,
    "ratingVotes" : NumberLong(0),
    "ratingVotesSum" : NumberLong(0)
"categories" : [ 
        "cat_id" : NumberLong(10310061000),
        "category" : "Café",
        "greek_category" : "Καφετέρια",
        "weight" : 4
        "cat_id" : NumberLong(11610021000),
        "category" : "Bar",
        "greek_category" : "Μπαρ",
        "weight" : 4

I want to make queries where the sorting will be based on a score that is a result of some expressions and conditions. 我想查询将基于得分的表达式,这些得分是某些表达式和条件的结果。 From the mongo shell I have tried this: 在mongo shell中,我尝试了以下方法:

    {name:1, location:1, score:{                  
            $let: {                    
                 vars:{ foursquare: {
                                     $cond: { if: { $gte: [ "$foursquare_checkins", 500 ] }, then: 500, else: "$foursquare_checkins" }
                        rating: {$multiply:["$rating.rating", 100]},
                 in:{$add:["$$foursquare", "$$rating", "$seenDetails"]}            
{$sort: {score: -1}}]).pretty();

This is a simple example of my queries. 这是我查询的一个简单示例。 The score will contain more complex expressions like the distance from a location. 分数将包含更复杂的表达式,例如到某个位置的距离。 The problem is that I cannot find a way to use the $let and the $cond operator in my Java code with Spring. 问题是我找不到在Spring的Java代码中使用$ let和$ cond运算符的方法。 Could anybody help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

You should be able to do this using nested DBObject and a Custom Aggregation Operation. 您应该能够使用嵌套的DBObject和自定义聚合操作来执行此操作。

For Example: 例如:

Map operations = new HashMap();
operations.put("name", 1);
operations.put("location", 1);
operations.put("score", new BasicDBObject("$let", new BasicDBObject("vars", new BasicDBObject())));

Then you can create a CustomAggregationOperation to add this to your project 然后,您可以创建一个CustomAggregationOperation添加到您的项目中

CustomAggregationOperation project = new CustomAggregationOperation(new BasicDBObject("$project", operation));

This will give you the following pipeline: 这将为您提供以下管道:

{ "$project" : { "score" : { "$let" : { "vars" : { }}} , "name" : 1 , "location" : 1}}

Then you can add your other stages: 然后,您可以添加其他阶段:

Aggregation aggregate = Aggregation.newAggregation(match, project, sort);

public class CustomAggregationOperation implements AggregationOperation {
    private DBObject operation;

    public CustomAggregationOperation (DBObject operation) {
        this.operation = operation;

    public DBObject toDBObject(AggregationOperationContext context) {
        return context.getMappedObject(operation);

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