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[英]Firebase write permission denied

I can't figure out why firebase won't let me do this specific write. 我无法弄清楚为什么firebase不会让我做这个特定的写。 I feel like I do it the same in the simulator and it works there. 我觉得我在模拟器中也是这样做的,它可以在那里工作。 Below are my security rules for this section. 以下是本节的安全规则。

"joinRequests" : {
  "$clanid": {
    "$requesterid" : {
      ".read" : "$requesterid === auth.uid || root.child('clans/' + $clanid + '/members/' + auth.uid + '/admin').val() === true",
      ".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['request'])",
      "request" : {
        ".write" : "true",
        ".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['name', 'message'])",
        "name" : {
        ".validate": "newData.isString()"
        "message" : {
          ".validate": "newData.isString()"
        "$other": {
        ".validate": false
      "approved" : {
        ".write" : "root.child('clans/' + $clanid + '/members/' + auth.uid + '/admin').val() === true || ($requesterid === auth.uid  && !newData.exists())",
        ".validate": "newData.isBoolean()"
      "$other": {
      ".validate": false

In the code for my android app I run these two lines: 在我的Android应用程序的代码中,我运行以下两行:


What I find weird is that it allows me to remove the "approved" value but not the "request" value. 我觉得奇怪的是它允许我删除“已批准”值而不是“请求”值。 The dataSnapshot is a $requesterid. dataSnapshot是$ requesterid。 If I run this line in the simulator and it allows the write: 如果我在模拟器中运行此行并允许写入:


The error I get in android studio is this: 我在android studio中得到的错误是这样的:

W/RepoOperation: setValue at /joinRequests/QV28VJYG/qRlJt4UIAcRVIe9VXoYVBa68tO43/request failed: DatabaseError: Permission denied

It must be something dumb that I'm doing but I can't imagine what it would be. 我必须做一些愚蠢的事,但我无法想象它会是什么。 Any help would be great, Thanks. 任何帮助都会很棒,谢谢。

newData is a snapshot that represent how data will look like after the operation took place. newData是一个快照,表示操作发生后数据的外观。

newData.hasChildren(['request']) tells firebase to make sure that the request node exists after the operation was executed. newData.hasChildren(['request'])告诉newData.hasChildren(['request'])在执行操作后确保request节点存在。 Therefore, deletion of this node is prohibited. 因此,禁止删除此节点。

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