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[英]Premake fails to create Makefile for C# library

I've just learned about Premake recently and decided to check it out. 我最近才了解Premake ,因此决定进行检查。
It seems to work fine with C++ projects, but for some reason, whenever it encounters a C# program, it flips out. 它似乎可以在C ++项目中正常工作,但是由于某种原因,每当遇到C#程序时,它都会翻转。
Take this example Premake script: 请看以下示例Premake脚本:

solution "ExampleLib"
    configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
    project "ExampleLib"
        kind "SharedLib"
        language "C#"
        files { "../src/**.cs" }
        configuration "Debug"
            defines { "DEBUG" }
            flags { "Symbols" }
        configuration "Release"
            defines { "NDEBUG" }
            flags { "Optimize" }

When I generate the Makefile with premake4 --os=linux gmake , I get this output: 当我使用premake4 --os=linux gmake生成Makefile时,得到以下输出:

Building configurations...
Running action 'gmake'...
Generating Makefile...
Generating ExampleLib.make...
[string "premake.dotnet = { }..."]:28: attempt to compare nil with string

If I try to the run the Makefile, I get this: 如果我尝试运行Makefile,则会得到以下信息:

==== Building ExampleLib (debug) ====
ExampleLib.make:12: *** missing 'endif'.  Stop.
Makefile:16: recipe for target 'ExampleLib' failed
make: *** [ExampleLib] Error 2

Examining the Makefile, it seems that Premake abruptly quit during the "ifndef CSC" section. 检查Makefile,似乎Premake在“ ifndef CSC”部分突然退出了。

How can I get C# projects to build with Premake? 如何获得要使用Premake构建的C#项目?

I am on Ubuntu 15.10 with Mono and MonoDevelop installed, if that helps. 我在安装了Mono和MonoDevelop的Ubuntu 15.10上运行,如果有帮助的话。


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