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[英]is there a way to convert js file or a script string to an object?

is there a way to convert a js file string to an object without string manipulations? 有没有一种方法可以将js文件字符串转换为对象,而无需进行字符串操作? i'm scrapping a script element from a page and want to use it as an object. 我正在从页面中删除脚本元素,并希望将其用作对象。 the string i get is something like: 我得到的字符串是这样的:

   var variable1 = JSON.parse('{"bla": "blabla"}');
   var variable2 = "some string";

and i want to use the first variable as an object. 我想将第一个变量用作对象。

is there an elegant way of doing this without too much text manipulations? 是否有一种优雅的方式来完成此操作而无需过多的文本操作?

You can use the eval function: 您可以使用eval函数:

eval('var variable1 = JSON.parse(\'{"bla": "blabla"}\')');

Just take care to escape quotation marks properly (see Replacing quotation marks in Javascript? ). 只是要注意正确地转义引号(请参阅替换Java中的引号? )。

Note: Some say eval is evil because it might happen that you are creating some security vulnerabilities by executing code you might not know whats it doing in advance. 注意:有人说eval是邪恶的,因为可能会发生是通过执行代码来创建一些安全漏洞,您可能不知道它事先在做什么。 But if it fits your needs, and you know what you are doing, why not? 但是,如果它满足您的需求,并且您知道自己在做什么,为什么不呢?


eval("var variable1 = JSON.parse('{\"bla\": \"blabla\"}'); var variable2 = \"some string\"; ");

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