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[英]Updating content Laravel

I want to make a feature for my web app in laravel(i'm new at it) that every Post/Comment/Theme(in my case) the user has the ability to upVote and downVote. 我想在laravel(我的新功能)中为我的Web应用程序创建一个功能,使用户的每个帖子/评论/主题(在我的情况下)都具有upVote和downVote的功能。 Now i am woking with upVote, but it is not working whatsoever. 现在,我开始使用upVote,但是无论如何它都无法正常工作。

In the view (welcome.blade.php) I have: 在视图(welcome.blade.php)中,我有:

<a href="{{ route('Voteplus', ['name' => $Theme->name]) }}"> <img class="media-object" style="height:40px; width:40px;" src="images/upVote.svg" alt="..."></a>

Where $Theme->name is the one that the user wants to upVote/like(whatsoever). 其中$ Theme-> name是用户想要进行投票/点赞(无论如何)的那个。

The route: 路线:

Route::put('/', [
'as' =>'Voteplus' //Name of route

And the controller: 和控制器:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\NewTheme;
use DB;
class Vote extends Controller {

    public function VotePlus($name){

->where('name', $name)
->increment('upVotes', 1);

    $Themes = NewTheme::paginate(5);

    return redirect()->route('welcome', ['Themes'=>$Themes]);

I am trying everything, but it isn't working. 我正在尝试一切,但没有用。 Can someone help me please? 有人能帮助我吗?

With an anchor tag, you only send a get request. 使用锚标记,您仅发送获取请求。 If you want it to be put, you must create a form, and then add : 如果要放置它,则必须创建一个表单,然后添加:

<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT">

Another way to solve this issue is to use Ajax. 解决此问题的另一种方法是使用Ajax。 Right now the page will get refreshed each time a user wants to up-vote a theme and that can be quite frustrating. 现在,每次用户想要投票主题时页面都会刷新,这可能会令人沮丧。

I think you should post to the back end using Ajax and on the success callback update the view with javascript. 我认为您应该使用Ajax发布到后端,并在成功回调中使用javascript更新视图。 I recommend using Angular for the front end. 我建议在前端使用Angular It has all what you need and it is super simple to make an Ajax-request. 它具有您所需要的一切,并且进行Ajax请求非常简单。

So, here's a quick example how you could use Angular + Laravel to make your web application work. 因此,这是一个简单的示例,说明如何使用Angular + Laravel使您的Web应用程序正常工作。

Front End 前端

<html ng-app="exampleApp">
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
    <div ng-controller="ThemeController">
            <li ng-repeat="theme in themes">
               <span><% theme.name %></span>
               <p><% theme.description %></p>
               <p><% theme.votes %></p>

               <a href="#" ng-click="voteUp(theme)">Vote Up</a>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var app = angular.module("exampleApp", [], function($interpolateProvider) {
            // This we need to not collide with Laravel's {{ }}

        app.controller('ThemeController', function($scope, $http) {
            $scope.themes = [];

            $scope.voteUp = function(theme) {
                    url: '/api/themes/voteUp',
                    method: 'POST',
                    data: {
                        id: theme.id
                }).success(function(response) {
                    theme.votes += 1;

            // On init we need to get the themes
                url: '/api/themes',
                method: 'GET'
            }).success(function(themes) {
                $scope.themes = themes;



Back End 后端

Your routes 您的路线

Route::get('api/themes', 'ThemeController@getFive');
Route::post('api/themes/voteUp, 'ThemeController@voteUp');

Your ThemeController 您的ThemeController

function getFive() {
    return Theme::paginate(5);

function voteUp(Request $request) {
    $theme = Theme::whereId($request->id);
    $theme->votes += 1;

    return $theme;

This code is not tested. 此代码未经测试。 But I'll think you get the point! 但我认为您明白了!

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