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[英]JSON parse single string to object

is there any easy way to to convert this json: 有没有简单的方法来转换此json:

    "pictures": [


List<Picture> pictures

where Picture is: 图片在哪里:

class Picture{
      String url;

It won't work as above, because I have an exception, saying 它不能像上面那样工作,因为我有一个例外,说

Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING

You need to implement a custom deserializer for this. 您需要为此实现一个自定义解串器。 Should be looking like this (I didn't try to execute, but that should give you the idea where to start, presumably you have a public constructor with String argument in your Picture.class ) 应该看起来像这样(我没有尝试执行,但这应该让您知道从哪里开始,大概在Picture.class有一个带有String参数的公共构造Picture.class

private class PictureDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Picture> {
  public Picture deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context)
      throws JsonParseException {
    return new Picture(json.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString());

It should be registered: 它应该被注册:

GsonBuilder gson = new GsonBuilder();
gson.registerTypeAdapter(Picture.class, new PictureDeserializer());

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