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[英]How can I get a “clean” list from mongoose queries

I execute a find query of mongoose: 我执行猫鼬的查找查询:

UG.find({ "emailUser": req.body.emailUser }, "nameGroup" ,function (err, groups) {

The result is "dirty" with some id, 结果是带有某些ID的“肮脏”,

How can I "clean" the result to a simple array -of only "namegroup"? 如何将结果“清理”到仅包含“ namegroup”的简单数组?

id is always returned by mongodb. id始终由mongodb返回。 You need to explicitly exclude it. 您需要明确排除它。

UG.find({ "emailUser": req.body.emailUser }, "nameGroup -id" ,function (err, groups) {

For the _id field, you do not have to explicitly specify _id: 1 to return the _id field. 对于_id字段,您不必显式指定_id:1即可返回_id字段。 The find() method always returns the _id field unless you specify _id: 0 to suppress the field. 除非您指定_id:0来禁止显示该字段,否则find()方法始终返回_id字段。

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