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Xamarin.iOS UITextField日期格式不起作用

[英]Xamarin.iOS UITextField date format not working

I've a UITextField which when clicked opens a DatePicker. 我有一个UITextField,单击该对象时将打开一个DatePicker。 I want time to be shown in the TextField in hh:mm tt (like 2:10 PM) 我希望时间在hh:mm tt的TextField中显示(例如2:10 PM)

void InitTimePicker()
    timePicker = new ModalPickerViewController(ModalPickerType.Date, "Select A Time", this)
        HeaderBackgroundColor = UIColor.Red,
        HeaderTextColor = UIColor.White,
        TransitioningDelegate = new ModalPickerTransitionDelegate(),
        ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.Custom
    timePicker.DatePicker.Mode = UIDatePickerMode.Time;
    timePicker.OnModalPickerDismissed += (sim, ea) =>
        var timeFormatter = new NSDateFormatter()
            DateFormat = "hh:mm tt"
        vitalEntryTimeTextField.Text = timeFormatter.ToString(timePicker.DatePicker.Date);
    vitalEntryTimeTextField.ShouldBeginEditing = (textView) =>
        PresentViewControllerAsync(timePicker, true);
        return true;

the DatePicker shows and everything works. DatePicker显示,一切正常。 but when I select the time in the datepicker and click done, the time shown in the TextField is like 2:10. 但是当我在日期选择器中选择时间并单击完成时,TextField中显示的时间就像2:10。 AM/PM is not showing though I specified 虽然我指定了AM / PM,但未显示

DateFormat = "hh:mm tt"

What am I doing wrong here? 我在这里做错了什么?

Here you are using a NSDateFormatter which is from the iOS SDK but specifying the DateFormat using the C# specifiers 在这里,您使用的是来自iOS SDK的NSDateFormatter ,但使用C#指定符指定 DateFormat

AM/PM will not be shown when the iOS device has 24 hour format turned on: 当iOS设备开启24小时格式时,不会显示AM / PM:

Settings -> General -> Date & Time -> 24 Hour 设置->常规->日期和时间-> 24小时

Obviously you cannot guarantee 24 hour time will not be enabled on every device. 显然,您不能保证不会在所有设备上都启用24小时制。

You can specify the locale for the time format. 您可以为时间格式指定语言环境。 Specifically, en_US uses 12 hour time by default. 具体来说, en_US默认使用12小时时间。

NSLocale myLocale = new NSLocale("en_US");
var timeFormatter = new NSDateFormatter()
    Locale = myLocale,
    DateFormat = "hh:mm a"

This would give you something like 01:15 PM . 这将为您提供类似于01:15 PM

Use HH:mm a to give you something like 13:15 PM . 使用HH:mm a给您类似13:15 PM

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