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C ++ Opencv-对mat的任何更改,也要更改用于初始化mat的向量

[英]C++ Opencv - Any Changes to mat, change the vector used to init mat as well

I have a vector data and I create a cv::mat : 我有矢量data并创建了cv::mat

cv::Mat HNorm(this->data.size(), 1, CV_32FC1, this->data.data());

Then I normalize HNorm 's values: 然后我将HNorm的值归一化:

normalize(HNorm, HNorm, 0, 300, cv::NORM_MINMAX, -1, cv::Mat());

The thing is that the same normalization happens to data vector. 问题是data向量也发生了相同的归一化。 What I want is to be able to work with HNorm without affecting data . 我想要的是能够与HNorm一起HNorm而不影响data

The particular constructor you use does not copy the data. 您使用的特定构造函数不会复制数据。 It is designed this way for efficiency reasons. 出于效率考虑,采用这种方式进行设计。 This basically just creates the Mat headers and changes the internal pointer to point to the supplied data array. 这基本上只是创建Mat头,并更改内部指针以指向提供的data数组。 If you want to not change the underlying data in subsequent operations without affecting the input data array, you need to copy it. 如果不想在后续操作中更改基础数据而不影响输入数据数组,则需要对其进行复制。

You could clone the Mat object and this will copy the underlying data. 您可以clone Mat对象,这将复制基础数据。 See the docs here: 在这里查看文档:

http://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d63/classcv_1_1Mat.html#ad1c9cc37d66c4e5bd05fae36f62d1cb4 http://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d63/classcv_1_1Mat.html#ad1c9cc37d66c4e5bd05fae36f62d1cb4

So something like: 所以像这样:

cv::Mat HNorm(this->data.size(), 1, CV_32FC1, this->data.data());
cv::Mat cloned = HNorm.clone();

// work on the cloned object now

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