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[英]Use System.load on Android?

I'm trying to load a library in Android from its internal storage (I'm having the user download it externally, so as to reduce the apk size) 我正在尝试从其内部存储中加载Android库(我正在让用户从外部下载该库,以减小apk大小)

But whenever I execute System.load() in the activity, I get these errors: 但是,每当我在活动中执行System.load()时,都会出现以下错误:

Localized Message: dlopen failed: couldn't map "/storage/emulated/0/libtest.so" segment 2: Permission denied
Message: dlopen failed: couldn't map "/storage/emulated/0/libtest.so" segment 2: Permission denied

I also tried copying the .so file to /data/local/tmp and loading it from there, but was presented with the same error. 我还尝试将.so文件复制到/ data / local / tmp并从那里加载它,但是出现了同样的错误。

Is there any workaround around this? 有什么解决方法吗?

您定位到哪个API级别?对于API级别> = 23,您需要提供动态运行时权限。


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