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将 html 内容插入 mysql 表

[英]Insert html content to mysql table

I need to insert html content to mysql table.but script cut part of html content.我需要将 html 内容插入 mysql 表中。但是脚本剪切了 html 内容的一部分。 Html content is as below. Html 内容如下。

        <div data-plugin-lightbox data-plugin-options='{"delegate": "a", "type": "image", "gallery": {"enabled": true}}'>

i cannot upload all content.mysql table has Only我无法上传所有内容。mysql 表只有

 <div data-plugin-lightbox data-plugin-options={"

How can i insert any html content to mysql table.如何将任何 html 内容插入 mysql 表。

Seems a double quote related issue .. you should escape the double quote for json 似乎与双引号相关的问题..你应该逃避json的双引号

<div data-plugin-lightbox data-plugin-options='{\"delegate\": \"a\", \"type\":    .......

or the issue could be related to your string assignment in php 或者问题可能与你在php中的字符串赋值有关

the assignment 分配

$sql = "< <div data-plugin-lightbox data-plugin-options='{"delegate": " 

break on the second double quotes 打破第二个双引号

HTML tegs可以用纯文本插入到mysql中。但是你应该回显你正确插入的内容

use htmlspecialchars($str) before you store in DB. 在存储到DB之前使用htmlspecialchars($ str)。

and use htmlspecialchars_decode($str) after reading from DB. 从DB读取后使用htmlspecialchars_decode($ str)。

Try using htmlspecialchars() on the string to put into the DB, and then, when pulling it back out, use htmlspecialchars_decode(). 尝试在字符串上使用htmlspecialchars()放入DB,然后在将其拉回时,使用htmlspecialchars_decode()。 Might make a difference. 可能会有所作为。

You should always escape your strings before using them in SQL queries, to avoid the kind of problems you have here and for security reasons . 在SQL查询中使用它们之前,应始终转义字符串,以避免出现此类问题并出于安全原因

PHP's mysqli extenstion comes with the mysqli_real_escape_string that is here just for this purpose and respects the connection's charset: PHP的mysqli扩展附带了mysqli_real_escape_string ,它仅用于此目的并且尊重连接的charset:

Object oriented style: 面向对象的风格:

$var = $mysqli->real_escape_string($var);

Procedural style: 程序风格:

$var = mysqli_real_escape_string($db_link, $var);

I found a solution. 我找到了解决方案。 Reason is ' & quot ; 原因是'' '. ”。 Used this to avoid var NewString = text.replace(/&/g, "xxx"); 用它来避免var NewString = text.replace(/&/ g,“xxx”);

thank you all 谢谢你们

htmlentities($message,ENT_QUOTES ); htmlentities($message,ENT_QUOTES);

It works for me for both double and single quotes in HTMl.它适用于 HTMl 中的双引号和单引号。

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