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afterModel emberjs中的过渡参数

[英]transition parameter in afterModel emberjs

i don't understand why the afterModel method get a transition parameter, and what its represent (yeah a transition from one page to the other, but in afterModel method there is no transition running, and that the prupose of afterModel , starting a transition if required, using model data.) 我不明白afterModel方法为什么会得到一个transition参数,它代表什么(是的,从一页到另一页的过渡,但是在afterModel方法中没有运行过渡,而afterModel的目的是在过渡时开始必需的,使用模型数据。)

http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Route.html#method_afterModel http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Route.html#method_afterModel

The afterModel hook is the third of the three model hookes, which all run before the transition is done. afterModel挂钩是三个模型挂钩中的第三个,它们均转换完成之前运行。

So the transition in afterModel is the same then in beforeModel . 因此,在过渡afterModel然后在同一beforeModel

The difference is that sometimes you need the model to decide if you want to abort the transition and redirect to somewhere else or not. 不同之处在于,有时您需要模型来决定是否要中止转换并重定向到其他位置。

A example could be a /userEdit/:user_id route where admins can edit all users and normal users only can edit their own user. 一个示例可以是/userEdit/:user_id路由,其中​​管理员可以编辑所有用户,而普通用户只能编辑自己的用户。 In the beforeModel you could check if the the user is admin and if not but you can't abort the transition based on information on the model. beforeModel您可以检查用户是否为admin,如果不是,则不能根据模型上的信息中止转换。 In the atferModel hook you can do exactly this, and save the transition away to may retry it later, for example after the user got admin privileges. atferModel挂钩中,您可以执行此操作,并将转换保存下来,以便稍后再试,例如,在用户获得管理员权限之后。

The router does not enter the route after the Promise returned by the afterModel hook resolves. 路由器进入航线后的无极返回由afterModel钩消退。

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