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SpriteKit PhysicsBody非矩形碰撞

[英]SpriteKit PhysicsBody non-rectangular collision

    pipeUp.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: pipeUp.size)


你应该做一个CGPath这是你的物体的形状,并使用SKPhysicsBodyinit(polygonFromPath path: CGPath)这里所描述

You can create a physics body based on the texture: 您可以根据纹理创建物理实体:

pipeUp.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture:pipeUp.texture)  

It will create an alpha mask texture for you, so any pixel that has an alpha 0, will not be included in the physics body. 它将为您创建一个alpha蒙版纹理,因此任何具有alpha 0的像素都不会包含在物理实体中。

Edit: 编辑:

@classenApps made me realize I made an extension to do this, so I will add it for the answer to be correct. @classenApps让我意识到我做了一个扩展来做这个,所以我会添加它的答案是正确的。

extension SKPhysicsBody
    convenience init(texture: SKTexture)

I'd use KnightOfDragon's method with the addition of the size : parameter like this: 我会使用KnightOfDragon的方法添加size :参数,如下所示:

pipeUp.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: pipeUp.texture, size: pipeUp.size)

I believe there is/used to be a memory leak using the CGPath . 我相信使用CGPath存在/曾经是内存泄漏。

If you need to explicitly tell the texture what alphaThreshold to use, another solution can be: 如果您需要明确告诉纹理使用哪个alphaThreshold,另一个解决方案可以是:

     Creates a body from the alpha values in the supplied texture.
     @param texture the texture to be interpreted
     @param alphaThreshold the alpha value above which a pixel is interpreted as opaque
     @param size of the generated physics body
    @available(iOS 8.0, *)
    public /*not inherited*/ init(texture: SKTexture, alphaThreshold: Float, size: CGSize)

So the code will be: 所以代码将是:

pipeUp.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: pipeUp.texture, alphaThreshold: 0.3, size: pipeUp.size)

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