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C#将JSON DynamicObject分配给类

[英]C# Assign JSON DynamicObject to a Class

public class RootObject
    public List<Result> results { get; set; }
    public int result_index { get; set; }

... ...

private void ReadJson()
    string JsonString = File.ReadAllText(MyJsonFile);
    DynamicObject jObject = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Decode(JsonString);
    RootObject RO = (RootObject)jObject;

The line: 该行:

RootObject RO = (RootObject)jObject;

is not correct. 是不正确的。 How is possible to assign the DynamicObject to my Class? 如何将DynamicObject分配给我的班级?

You cannot assign a DynamicObject to a variable of type RootObject because the types are not assignable . 您不能将DynamicObject分配给RootObject类型的变量,因为这些类型不可分配 Instead, you should deserialize your JSON as a RootObject to begin with using Json.Decode<T> : 相反,您应该使用Json.Decode<T>开始将JSON作为RootObject反序列化:

var RO = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Decode<RootObject>(JsonString);

See also How can I parse JSON with C#? 另请参阅如何使用C#解析JSON? and How to Convert JSON object to Custom C# object? 以及如何将JSON对象转换为自定义C#对象? for more examples of how to deserialize to a specific type. 有关如何反序列化为特定类型的更多示例。

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