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Java-DataOutputStream writeLong \\ Byte \\ Double \\ Int Speed

[英]Java - DataOutputStream writeLong\Byte\Double\Int Speed

I implemented a way to write primitive Java types to a binary output file using DataOutputStream 's writeX methods, but I'm observing 60-fold slower performance relative to a previous implementation that writes to a text file via a BufferedWriter . 我实现了一个办法写原始的Java类型使用二进制输出文件DataOutputStream的writeX方法,但我观察相对较慢的性能到以前实现60倍于写入通过一个文本文件BufferedWriter

I create my output stream like so: 我这样创建输出流:

DataOutputStream outFile = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("fileLoc"));

I use this method to write to such streams: 我使用这种方法写入这样的流:

public static void writeFunctionPoint (DataOutputStream outFile, FunctFileSortCriterion functPt) throws IOException
    outFile.writeLong   (functPt.time);
    outFile.writeBytes  (functPt.dfid);
    outFile.writeDouble (functPt.value);
    outFile.writeInt    (functPt.qualifier);

}   // end method writeFunctionPoint

Why is my new approach so much slower than my old one? 为什么我的新方法比以前的方法慢得多?

You started out using a BufferedWriter and switched to an unbuffered OutputStream . 您开始使用BufferedWriter并切换到无缓冲的OutputStream I/O buffering can have a tremendous impact on performance, especially if you're writing a large number of small pieces. I / O缓冲会对性能产生巨大影响,尤其是在编写大量小片段的情况下。 Insert a BufferedOutputStream : 插入一个BufferedOutputStream

DataOutputStream outFile = new DataOutputStream(
        new BufferedOutputStream(
        new FileOutputStream("fileLoc")));

That ought to get you a substantial speedup vs. where you are now. 与您现在所在的位置相比,应该可以大大提高您的速度。 You can also try tweaking the buffer size to tune the performance a bit. 您也可以尝试调整缓冲区大小以稍微调整性能。 I can't say how that will compare to your original BufferedWriter -based implementation, however; 但是,我不能说这将与您最初的基于BufferedWriter的实现相比。 I'd guess it will be at least comparable, but performance is very hard to predict in general. 我想它至少可以与之媲美,但总体上很难预测性能。 It is essential to test. 测试至关重要。

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