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从Sharepoint列表 - Infopath 2013自动填充PeoplePicker字段

[英]Autopopulate PeoplePicker field from Sharepoint List - Infopath 2013

I've searched wide and far and am unable to get this to work. 我搜索的范围很广,而且无法让它工作。

First, let me describe what I'm going for. 首先,让我描述一下我的目标。 We have a SharePoint list that has information about services and service focals. 我们有一个SharePoint列表,其中包含有关服务和服务焦点的信息。 The 'Service Focals' element is a People/Group field. 'Service Focals'元素是People / Group字段。 Each service has a service focal. 每项服务都有服务焦点。

Now, the InfoPath form: I have a form in which the user should pick a Service and on selection, the Service Focal field should be populated. 现在,InfoPath表单:我有一个表单,用户应该选择一个服务,在选择时,应该填充Service Focal字段。 I've already created the data connection to the SP List and have the services populating in a dropdown list box. 我已经创建了与SP列表的数据连接,并在下拉列表框中填充了服务。 However , I am unable to populate the Service Focal field. 但是 ,我无法填充服务焦点字段。

I'm aware on how to use the calculated field and whatnot, but this peoplepicker is really stumping me. 我知道如何使用计算字段和诸如此类的东西,但是这个人们真的很难过。 I've tried many different things but in the end, the field just doesn't populate. 我尝试了很多不同的东西,但最后,这个领域并没有填充。

The end goal is to have this request for service to add an entry to a different list and it will be assigned to the service focal. 最终目标是让此服务请求将条目添加到不同的列表,并将其分配给服务焦点。

Any help would be much appreciated. 任何帮助将非常感激。 Thanks, Tony 谢谢,托尼

Form Requirements 表格要求

Ok, I figured it out for anyone who might run into this problem. 好吧,我想到了任何可能遇到这个问题的人。

Essentially, all 3 fields under the pcperson need to be defined. 基本上,需要定义pcperson下的所有3个字段。 This includes: - DisplayName - AccountId - AccountType 这包括: - DisplayName - AccountId - AccountType

If all of those fields are not set in the peoplepicker control, then the form will not update. 如果未在peoplepicker控件中设置所有这些字段,则表单将不会更新。

Of course, this needs to be done with an Action rule 当然,这需要使用Action规则来完成

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