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[英]Leaflet: map invalidatesize not working

I've been working on this all night: please don't tell me to go to google. 我整夜都在工作:请不要告诉我去Google。 I've read every duplicate question, all of the leaflet documentation that I can find, and just can't figure out why this isn't working. 我已经阅读了每个重复的问题,找到了所有的传单文档,但无法弄清楚为什么它不起作用。 I had to change over to the new Mapquest tiles and everything is working fine except that I'm only getting one corner of my tiles to load. 我不得不切换到新的Mapquest磁贴,并且一切正常,只是我的磁贴只有一个角要加载。 I know that the answer is map invalidate size. 我知道答案是地图无效尺寸。 That's what worked before and that's what every article and question/answer I've read tonight says is the answer. 这就是以前的工作方式,也是我今晚阅读的每篇文章和问题/答案所代表的答案。 I'm missing something obvious. 我缺少明显的东西。 Please help. 请帮忙。 Here's my script: 这是我的脚本:

$('#locModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {

    var button = $(event.relatedTarget);
    var mapinfo = button.data('whatever');
    var pos = mapinfo.position;
    var lat = pos.substring(0,7);
    var ling = pos.substring (10,17);
    var map = L.map('mapdiv').setView([lat, ling], 6)
    var name = mapinfo.name;
    var contact = mapinfo.contact;
    var address = mapinfo.address;
    var city = mapinfo.city;
    var state = mapinfo.state;
    var zip = mapinfo.zip;
    var phone = mapinfo.phone;
    var p1 = phone.substring(0,3);
    var p2 = phone.substring(3,6);
    var p3 = phone.substring(6,10);

if (map != undefined) { map.remove(); }

window.setTimeout(function() { 
}, 1000);    

 var basemap = L.map('mapdiv', {
    layers: MQ.mapLayer(),
    center: [ lat, ling ],
    zoom: 12,

L.marker([lat, ling]).addTo(map);   

$("#mapModalHeader").html("<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-hidden='true'>X</button><h2>" + "Map to " + name + "</h2>");

$("#mapModalFooter").html("Mailing Address: " + contact + " " + address + " " + city + ", "  + state + " " + zip
    + " " + "(" + p1 + ") " + p2 + "-" + p3 );

 $('body').on('hidden.bs.modal', '.modal', function () {

I've also tried the map invalidatesize like this: 我也尝试过这样的地图invalidatesize:

(function() { 
}, 1000);

A key function on my live website is broken and I could please use any help you can give me. 我的实时网站上的一个关键功能已损坏,请使用您能给我的任何帮助。

It is really confusing what you try to achieve… 您尝试实现的目标确实令人困惑……

First you initiate your map with var map = L.map('mapdiv').setView([lat, ling], 6) , then you destroy it with map.remove() , then you try to update its size after a 1 second timeout, and finally you initialize your map again but keep the reference in a different variable with var basemap = L.map('mapdiv' 首先使用var map = L.map('mapdiv').setView([lat, ling], 6)初始化地图,然后使用map.remove()销毁它,然后尝试在1之后更新其大小第二次超时,最后再次初始化地图,但将引用保留在另一个变量中,变量为var basemap = L.map('mapdiv'

So the first mistake is probably this strange succession of instructions. 因此,第一个错误可能是指令的奇怪继承。

Then, you could simplify your code: 然后,您可以简化代码:

  • You can initialize your map as soon as the div map container ( #mapdiv in your case) is created as an HTML Element. 一旦将div映射容器(在本例中为#mapdiv )创建为HTML元素,就可以初始化地图。 No need for it to be shown or even to be attached to the DOM. 不需要显示它,甚至不需要将其附加到DOM。
  • You can use invalidateSize() as soon as the map container size has changed. 更改地图容器大小后,即可使用invalidateSize() In your case, directly within the callback of "shown.bs.modal" event (note the difference with the event you have used: "shown" vs "show" ). 在您的情况下,直接在"shown.bs.modal"事件的回调内(请注意与您使用的事件的区别: "shown""show" )。
  • If you need to show a marker at a different position each time your modal is open, there is no need to destroy the map and re-create it from scratch just for that. 如果每次打开模态时都需要在不同位置显示标记,则无需销毁地图并从头开始重新创建它。 Simply keep a global reference to your marker, remove it and add a new one at the new position instead. 只需保留对标记的全局引用,将其删除,然后在新位置添加一个新引用即可。

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