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[英]Delete all lines from QGraphicsScene

I am having a very hard time to find a way to delete all lines added to a QGraphicsScene . 我很难找到一种方法来删除添加到QGraphicsScene所有行。 Let's say we have this 6 lines. 假设我们有这6行。 How do I delete them later, after some processing? 经过一些处理后如何删除它们? or in other words, how do I get a white and empty scene again? 或者换句话说,我如何再次获得一个空白的空白场景?

QPen pen(Qt::blue, 1);
QLineF line(10, 20, 100,100);
line.setLine(100, 100, 100,100);
scene.addLine(line, pen);

By the way, scene.clear() does not seem to work. 顺便说一句, scene.clear()似乎不起作用。

I solved it storing all lines in a list and when I want to clear the scene I delete all pointers inside the list: 我解决了将所有行存储在列表中的问题,当我想清除场景时,我删除了列表中的所有指针:

QList<QGraphicsItem *> list;
list << scene.addLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, pen); // store line pointer
void mainWindow::emptyList(void){ // delete all pointers in list (clear)
    int iNum = list.count();
    for (int i=0; i<iNum; i++)
        delete list.takeAt(0);

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