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jQuery Datatable重新加载数据-JSON到列

[英]jQuery Datatable reload data - json to columns

I have table that first time is server - side rendered. 我有表第一次是服务器-端呈现。 I want on some click event refresh data in table. 我想要一些单击事件刷新表中的数据。
Problem is how to "bind" specific json object propertie to specific column. 问题是如何将特定的json对象属性“绑定”到特定的列。 I receive json object with array of objects where only some of properties are interesting me. 我收到带有对象数组的json对象,其中只有一些属性很有趣。
I want 我想要
Table column -- json object propertie 表列-JSON对象属性

ID -- id ID-ID
Name -- name + surname 名字-名字+姓
Cooperation -- scCooperationCollection 合作-scCooperationCollection
Skills -- scSkillsCollection 技能-scSkillsCollection
Experience -- workExperience 经验-工作经验

HTML table: http://pastebin.com/b5yRWsGe HTML表格: http//pastebin.com/b5yRWsGe
JS reload table: http://pastebin.com/GzS8tpV6 JS重新加载表: http//pastebin.com/GzS8tpV6
JSON example : http://pastebin.com/AyBSrSui JSON范例: http//pastebin.com/AyBSrSui

See columns.data or columns.render options on how to bind source data to table columns or produce custom content for a cell. 有关如何将源数据绑定到表列或如何为单元格生成自定义内容,请参见columns.datacolumns.render选项。

You can access source data properties using dotted notation in columns.data or even join arrays with [] notation. 您可以在columns.data使用点分符号来访问源数据属性,甚至可以使用[]符号连接数组。 For more complex data rendering like joining two fields, use columns.render instead. 对于更复杂的数据渲染(如连接两个字段),请改用columns.render

For example: 例如:

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    ajax: {
       url: 'https://api.myjson.com/bins/3x4ql',
       dataSrc: 'aaData'
    columns: [
        { data: "id" },
            data: null, 
            render: function(data, type, full, meta){
               return full['name'] + ' ' + full['surname'];
        { data: "scCooperationCollection[,].scFields.name" },
        { data: "scSkillsCollection[,].scFields.name" },
        { data: "workExperience" }

See this jsFiddle for code and demonstration. 有关代码和演示,请参见此jsFiddle

You can navigate through the desired properties in returned json object and tie up same to your table something like below: 您可以在返回的json对象中浏览所需的属性,并将其与表绑定起来,如下所示:

table.on( 'xhr', function () {
    var json = table.ajax.json();
    var obj = JSON.parse(json)
    var tableJson = {"ID":obj.aaData[0].id};
} );

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