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[英]Getting input value from a data attribute

I have this code below where user can choose - each dropdown option has different data-tenure: 我在下面的代码中可供用户选择-每个下拉选项具有不同的数据使用期限:

<div class="ten columns">
  <p class="slider-label">Loan Tenure (Years)</p>
  <!-- <input type="text" class="loan-tenure numeric-only" /> -->
  <div class="field">
    <div class="picker picker-dd2">
      <select class="dropdown2 loan-tenure">
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0298” value="1">1</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0387” value="2">2</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0418” value="3">3</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0434” value="4">4</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0444” value="5">5</option>

What I want is to set the input value to the data-tenure above - : 我想要的是将输入值设置为上面的数据使用期限-:

                <input type="hidden" class="loan-rate" value="??" />

Do I need to add onchange() function to the dropdown above? 我需要在上面的下拉菜单中添加onchange()函数吗?

Edit, Updated 编辑,更新

I meant - getting the data-tenure and this will be the input value. 我的意思是-获取数据保有权,这将是输入值。 So if the user selects 1, the input value will be 0.0298. 因此,如果用户选择1,则输入值为0.0298。 If the user selects 2 the input value will be 0.0387 如果用户选择2,则输入值为0.0387

You can use change event at .dropdown2 element, document.querySelector() with selector "input.loan-rate" , set .value property with event.target Element.dataset at change event handler 您可以在带有选择器"input.loan-rate" .dropdown2元素document.querySelector()处使用change事件,在change事件处理程序中通过event.target Element.dataset设置.value属性

document.querySelector(".dropdown2").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
  // set value here   
  .value = event.target.dataset.tenure; 
 <select class="dropdown2 loan-tenure" id="selectId">
    <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0298” value="1">1</option>
    <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0387” value="2">2</option>
    <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0418” value="3">3</option>
    <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0434” value="4">4</option>
    <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0444” value="5">5</option>

     alert($("#selectId option:selected").attr("data-tenure"));

why don't you use select tag to take input 你为什么不使用选择标签来输入

<select name="" form="tenureform">
  <option value="">1</option>
  <option value="">2</option>
  <option value="">3</option>
  <option value="">4</option>
<select onchange="changeInput()" class="dropdown2 loan-tenure">
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0298” value="1">1</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0387” value="2">2</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0418” value="3">3</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0434” value="4">4</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0444” value="5">5</option>

function onChange(evt) {
    document.querySelector("input.loan-rate").dataset.tenure = evt.currentTarget.value;

Try the below code. 试试下面的代码。 Here we are passing the object via an onchange event. 在这里,我们通过onchange事件传递对象。

<div class="ten columns">
  <p class="slider-label">Loan Tenure (Years)</p>
  <!-- <input type="text" class="loan-tenure numeric-only" /> -->
  <div class="field">
    <div class="picker picker-dd2">
      <select onchange="tenure_rates(this)" class="dropdown2 loan-tenure">
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0298” value="1">1</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0387” value="2">2</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0418” value="3">3</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0434” value="4">4</option>
        <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0444” value="5">5</option>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function tenure_rates(dropdownValue) {

This is a vanilla js solution. 这是一个普通的js解决方案。 There will probably be tons of jquery responses. 可能会有大量的jquery响应。 You do need the onchange event: 您确实需要onchange事件:

<select class="dropdown2 loan-tenure" onchange="document.getElementById('loanrate').value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].dataset.tenure">

Make sure you add the id 'loadrate' to your input. 确保将id'loadrate'添加到输入中。 See it in action here . 看到它在这里行动

You can use selectedIndex to get the the current selected option. 您可以使用selectedIndex来获取当前选定的选项。 Then use getAttribute to get the data-tenure attribute value.Use getElementsByClassName to select the hidden input element and set it's value. 然后使用getAttribute获取data-tenure属性值。 data-tenure getElementsByClassName选择隐藏的输入元素并设置其值。

function tenure_rates(){
var e = document.getElementById("dropdown2");
var _option = e.options[e.selectedIndex].getAttribute('data-tenure');
document.getElementsByClassName('loan-rate')[0].value = _option;


Note: Initially the value of hidden field will always be empty,since 1 is pre selected. 注意:由于预先选择1 ,最初,隐藏字段的值始终为空。 So if an user don't change the option you will never find any value set this hidden element. 因此,如果用户不更改该选项,则将永远找不到设置此隐藏元素的任何值。 You can select an option like Select 您可以选择喜欢的选项Select

Try it : 试试吧 :

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <body> <div class="ten columns"> <input type="hidden" class="loan-rate" value="" /> <p class="slider-label">Loan Tenure (Years)</p> <!-- <input type="text" class="loan-tenure numeric-only" /> --> <div class="field"> <div class="picker picker-dd2"> <select class="dropdown2 loan-tenure"> <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0298” value="1">1</option> <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0387” value="2">2</option> <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0418” value="3">3</option> <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0434” value="4">4</option> <option class="dropdown2-opt" data-tenure=“0.0444” value="5">5</option> </select> </div> </div> </div> <script> var sel = document.querySelector(".loan-tenure"); var hidEle = document.querySelector(".loan-rate"); sel.onchange = function(){ var value = sel.value; hidEle.setAttribute("value",value); alert("Input hidden value is : " + hidEle.getAttribute("value")); } </script> </body> </html> 

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