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[英]Echarts From Baidu Bar and Line graph Issue

I have just started working on Echarts and implemented some charts. 我刚刚开始研究Echarts,并实现了一些图表。 I have to implement a chart for a client's web site. 我必须为客户的网站实现一个图表。 The problem I am encountering is that my bar's are going one behind another, and if the value is less I cannot see the bar which is behind. 我遇到的问题是我的酒吧正在一个接一个地前进,如果值较小,我将看不到后面的酒吧。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

 var provider = ['JD','JR']; option = { title:{ }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis' }, toolbox: { show : true, feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, magicType: {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar']}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, calculable : true, legend: { data:['2012','2013','Baseline'] }, xAxis : [ { type : 'value', min :0, max: provider.length, scale: true, splitNumber: provider.length, axisLabel:{ formatter: function(v){ if(v!=0) return provider[v-1]; else return ;} } } ], yAxis : [ { type : 'value', name : '', scale:true, min: 0, max:100, splitNumber:10, axisLabel : { formatter: '{value}%' } }, ], series : [ { name:'Baseline', type:'line', data:[ [1,30],[2,10],[1,20],[2,33.33] ] }, { name:'2012', type:'bar', barWidth: 30, data:[[1,35],[2,50]], }, { name:'2013', type:'bar', barWidth: 30, data:[[1,30],[2,33.33]], } ] }; 

Image 图片

As you can see in the above image, that the bar's are going one behind the another on the same xaxis point. 如您在上图中所见,条形图在同一x轴点上一个在另一个后面。 I want to show them separately. 我想分别显示它们。 Please help 请帮忙

Thank you all 谢谢你们


option.xAxis[0].type = 'category';

Alternatively, you can use set stack property inside the series. 另外,您可以在系列内部使用set stack属性。 If stack is having same value for two series, they'll be shown on top of each other, it makes the chart more compact and still readable. 如果两个系列的堆栈具有相同的值,则它们将显示在彼此的顶部,这将使图表更紧凑且更易读。

series : [
        stack: 'total',
        data:[ [1,30],[2,10],[1,20],[2,33.33] ]
        stack: 'total',
        barWidth: 30,
        stack: 'total',
        barWidth: 30,

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