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[英]Call a Jquery function inside the same (.js) file and another PHP file?

I have a js file with Jquery function now i have to call that function on document ready and inside another PHP file i tried below codes it worked for PHP file but for the JS file it is saying $.test is not a function 我有一个带有Jquery函数的js文件,现在我必须在准备好文档的文件中调用该函数,并在另一个PHP文件中调用了以下代码,该函数适用于PHP文件,但对于JS文件,它说$.test is not a function

jq.js file for this error message was $.test is not a function . 此错误消息的jq.js文件 $.test is not a function



    $.test =    function(){
        alert('HELLO WORLD');

add.php file For this worked. add.php文件为此工作。

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I have to call this test() function inside the same JS file and in another PHP file too please give me a solution.. thanks. 我必须在相同的JS文件和另一个PHP文件中调用此test()函数,请给我一个解决方案..谢谢。

The problem is that you call $.test before you defined it. 问题是您在定义$.test之前先调用它。 Call it after the definition: 在定义后调用它:


    $.test =    function(){
        alert('HELLO WORLD');


Simply do this: 只需执行以下操作:


    $.test =    function(){
        alert('HELLO WORLD');

Call the function after you define it, not before. 在定义函数之后调用函数,而不是在之前。

Or: 要么:


            $.test =    function(){
                alert('HELLO WORLD');

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