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[英]Let's Encrypt SSL Causing Issue with Chrome

I have multiple sites on my host using Let's Encrypt and all of them have had no issues. 我在主机上使用“让我们加密”创建了多个站点,并且所有站点都没有问题。 Today I'm trying to install a certificate on joescottocpa.com . 今天,我正在尝试在joescottocpa.com上安装证书。 The certificate will install but when I visit the site it gives me a Your connection is not private error. 该证书将安装,但是当我访问该站点时,它会给我一个“ Your connection is not private错误”。 When I inspect the certificate it says that it is valid. 当我检查证书时,它说它是有效的。

I'm able to go to the actual HTTPS address with no issues. 我可以毫无问题地转到实际的HTTPS地址。 When I type just the domain joescottocpa.com in it will sometimes work without issues, sometimes give me the error, and other times just redirect me to my hosting providers homepage. 当我只输入域名joescottocpa.com ,它有时会正常工作,有时会给我错误,而有时只是将我重定向到我的托管服务提供商主页。

I am using an .htaccess file to redirect the page, the code on the file is the exact same that I've used for every other site that uses HTTPS . 我正在使用.htaccess文件重定向页面,该文件上的代码与我使用HTTPS所有其他站点完全相同。 Any help at all would be great. 根本没有任何帮助。

Thanks! 谢谢!

.htaccess: .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://joescottocpa.com/$1 [R,L]

The issue was with my host. 问题出在我的主人身上。 Something with their settings was off that they wouldn't tell me. 他们的设置有误,他们不会告诉我。 Needless to say this host caused issues before so I decided to switch to a new host and the issue was no longer there. 不用说此主机之前曾引起问题,因此我决定切换到新主机,而该问题不再存在。

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