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[英]Looping through a Column in VBA to copy an entire row

I am attempting to Loop through a Column K starting at row 14 until the end. 我试图循环遍历从第14行到最后的K列。 I have written the following code, but it stops working at the Range("K14:") line. 我已经编写了以下代码,但是在Range(“ K14:”)行处停止了工作。 I tried using Range("K14"& Rows.Count) but that didn't help either. 我尝试使用Range(“ K14”&Rows.Count),但这也无济于事。

Windows("Price VolatilityDM.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("Volatility Static Data").Activate
Dim x As Single
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Range("K14:")
    If Cell.Value > 0.25 Then
        Sheets("Volatility Static Data").Range("B:K").Copy
        Windows("Tolerance ReportDM.xslm").Activate
    End If
Next Cell
Windows("Price VolatilityDM.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("Volatility Static Data").Activate
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Workheets("Volatility Static Data") ' add a reference to the sheet for simplicity
Dim x As Single
Dim Cell As Range
Dim lastRow 
lastRow = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row ' get the last row
For Each Cell In Range("K14:K" & lastRow)
    If Cell.Value > 0.25 Then
        Sheets("Volatility Static Data").Range("B:K").Copy
        Windows("Tolerance ReportDM.xslm").Activate
    End If
Next Cell

You just need to find the end of the Range object and make sure you iterate over to that. 您只需要找到Range对象的末尾并确保您遍历该对象即可。 See above; 往上看; if there are any questions, let me know. 如有任何疑问,请告诉我。

It stops there because you haven't completed writing the whole range. 因为您尚未完成整个范围的编写,所以它在那里停止。 "K14:" is invalid syntax. "K14:"是无效的语法。 For example, you could do: "K14:K" & LastRow 例如,您可以这样做: "K14:K" & LastRow

you can use something like this to find the end of column K starting at 14: 您可以使用以下方法找到以14开始的K列的结尾:

dim end as range
set cell = range("K14")

'go down one cell at a time until you find that
'the next one is empty. This is the end of the column

do while not cell.offset(1,0).value = "" 

    set cell = cell.offset(1,0)
set end = cell

and then use for each cell in range("K14:" & end.address) 然后for each cell in range("K14:" & end.address)

In your code it'd look like this: 在您的代码中,它看起来像这样:

Windows("Price VolatilityDM.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("Volatility Static Data").Activate
Dim x As Single
Dim Cell As Range
dim end as range

set cell = range("K14")
'go down one cell at a time until you find that
'the next one is empty. This is the end of the column

do while not cell.offset(1,0).value = ""   
    set cell = cell.offset(1,0)
set end = cell
For Each Cell In Range("K14:" & end.address)
    If Cell.Value > 0.25 Then
        Sheets("Volatility Static Data").Range("B:K").Copy
        Windows("Tolerance ReportDM.xslm").Activate
    End If
Next Cell

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