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带有嵌套if / else语句的javascript for循环未执行,不确定出了什么问题

[英]javascript for loop with nested if/else statement not executing, not sure what's gone wrong

I'm working on this little function for a Hype web animation. 我正在为Hype网络动画开发此小功能。 Basically, I have between 2 and 8 or so menu items, and when one is clicked, it has to become slightly less opaque and the previous one has to become opaque again. 基本上,我有2到8个左右的菜单项,当单击一个菜单项时,它必须变得不透明一些,而上一个菜单项必须再次变得不透明。 I have a variable that is set to the most recently clicked element id, and another that is set to the class of elements that the menu items are in using getElementIdByClassName. 我有一个变量,它设置为最近单击的元素ID,另一个变量是设置为菜单项使用getElementIdByClassName的元素的类。 The for loop iterates over the id's in the classes, and an if/else says "if colors[i].id != currentColor set opacity to 1; else set opacity to .3", or at least I think it says that. for循环遍历类中的id,而if / else则说“ if colors [i] .id!= currentColor将不透明度设置为1;否则将不透明度设置为.3”,或者至少我认为是这样。 can anyone lend a hand on this? 有人可以帮忙吗? i can't seem to figure it out. 我似乎无法弄清楚。

Thanks! 谢谢!

  changeShoe(hypeDocument, element, event){ 
        var currentColor = element.id;
        var colors = document.getElementsByClassName("colors").id;

         for (i = 0, n = colors.length; i<n; i++) {
                if(colors[i] !== currentColor){
                    colors[i].style.opacity = 1;
                    colors[i].style.opacity = .3;



What is wrong with your code and how to fix. 您的代码有什么问题以及如何解决。

changeShoe(hypeDocument, element/*, event*/){ //event is not used and can be removed from parameters
    var currentColor = element.id;//This is good
    //var colors = document.getElementsByClassName("colors").id;
    //document.getElementsByClassName("colors") is a HTMLCollection and doesn't have **id** property
    //it means colors is undefined
    var colors = document.getElementsByClassName("colors");// this way

     for (i = 0, n = colors.length; i<n; i++) {//good approach
            //colors is now collection and colors[i] is HTML element. So .id
            //if(colors[i].id !== currentColor){//this is OK IIF each element has unique ID
            if(colors[i] !== element){//not exact match
                colors[i].style.opacity = 1;//now it is correct
                colors[i].style.opacity = .3;

Doesn't give you an array. 没有给你一个数组。

try 尝试

changeShoe(hypeDocument, element, event){ 
    var currentColor = element.id;
    var colors = document.getElementsByClassName("colors");

     for (i = 0, n = colors.length; i<n; i++) {
            if(colors[i].id !== currentColor){
                colors[i].style.opacity = 1;
                colors[i].style.opacity = .3;

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