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[英]Mysql user subscription query fails

I have a database named socialnetwork and has 5 tables category , post_category , posts , subscribe , user . 我有一个名为socialnetwork的数据库,并具有5​​个表category ,即post_categorypostssubscribeuser

my table structures 我的桌子结构

     --------                       -------------
     category                       posts  
     --------                       ------------
     categoryID                     postID 
     categoryName                   post

   --------------                ---------------         
    post_category                subscribe
   ---------------               ---------------
    postID                       subscriberID  
    categoryID                   categoryID


data's in the table 表格中的数据

category table                              usertable
--------------------------               -------------------
categoryID     categoryName               userID      userName
---------------------------              --------------------
1                film                      1    jijojohn32
2               television                 2    sijojohn                                 

posts_category table                     subscribe table
------------------                      -------------------------
postID     categoryID                    subscriberID    categoryID
---------------------                   ------------------------
1            1                            1                1
1            2                            1                2     
2            2                            2                2                 

 posts table
 postID       post             userID     categoryID
 1         this post is cool    1           1
 2           demo post          2           2

User 1 can subscribe to different categories and he can see the articles in the categories he subscribes. 用户1可以订阅不同的类别,并且他可以看到他所订阅的类别中的文章。 That's what i am trying to implement here. 这就是我在这里要实现的。 And i have this query but it's not giving me the result i want. 我有这个查询,但它没有给我我想要的结果。

USE socialnetwork;
SELECT  socialnetwork.usertable.userName,socialnetwork.posts.post, GROUP_CONCAT(socialnetwork.category.categoryName) as category
FROM socialnetwork.category
INNER JOIN subscribe
ON subscribe.categoryID = category.categoryID
ON posts.categoryID = subscribe.categoryID
INNER JOIN usertable
ON usertable.userID = posts.userID
INNER JOIN socialnetwork.post_category
ON post_category.postID = posts.postID

WHERE subscriberID = "1"
GROUP BY socialnetwork.category.categoryName

Here's the result i am getting 这是我得到的结果

    username       post            category
   jijojohn32  this post is cool   film, film
    sijojohn   demo post           television

The result i want 我想要的结果

    username       post               category
   jijojohn32  this post is cool     film,television
    sijojohn   demo post              television

I want the post from the categories he subscribed to , the username of the user posted the articles , and categories which posts reside. 我想要他订阅的类别中的帖子,发布文章的用户的用户名以及帖子所驻留的类别。 What's wrong in my query ?. 我的查询出了什么问题? any idea ?. 任何想法 ?。 thanks 谢谢

You are not aggregating by the right columns. 您未按右列进行汇总。 I think this is the query that you want: 我认为这是您想要的查询:

SELECT ut.userName, p.post, GROUP_CONCAT(c.categoryName) as category
FROM socialnetwork.category c INNER JOIN
     subscribe s
     ON s.categoryID = c.categoryID INNER JOIN
     posts p
     ON p.categoryID = s.categoryID INNER JOIN
     usertable ut
     ON ut.userID = p.userID INNER JOIN
     socialnetwork.post_category pc
     ON pc.postID = p.postID
WHERE subscriberID = 1
GROUP BY ut.userName, p.post;

There exists a conflict 存在冲突

Category table consists of 类别表包括

Category id and Category Name

Post Table consists of 帖子表包括

Post id and Corresponding Category Id

As well as 以及

Post_Category table consists of Post_Category表包含

Post id and Category Id

Hence it is picking from the Posts table , that Row 1 - has only 1 category id associated with it 因此,它是从Posts table ,第1行-仅具有与其关联的1个category id

I suggest you remove Category id from Post table 我建议您从Post表中删除Category id

It is pointless to have 2 keys in 1 table, and similar 2 keys in other table. 在一个表中有2个键,而在其他表中具有类似的2个键是没有意义的。

Try to establish Primary key Foreign key relationship. 尝试建立主键外键关系。

Hope that helps 希望能有所帮助

Here's the working query. 这是工作查询。 I made some modifications in the table. 我在表中做了一些修改。 Deleted the categoryID from posts. 从帖子中删除了categoryID Made a new table called post_category. 制作了一个名为post_category的新表。


Here's the query 这是查询

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(category.categoryName) as category  , category.categoryID , subscribe.subscriberID , posts.post ,

from category

INNER JOIN subscribe
ON subscribe.categoryID = category.categoryID

INNER JOIN post_category
ON category.categoryID = post_category.categoryID

ON posts.postID =  post_category.postID

INNER JOIN usertable
ON usertable.userID = posts.userID

WHERE subscriberID = 1
GROUP BY post_category.postID

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