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I have a jquery function: 我有一个jQuery函数:

$("#expand_label_object").on("click", function(){ 

It simply uses toggleClass to give me the desired output. 它只是使用toggleClass给我所需的输出。

I have a lot of elements that I want to use this function on, the problem is using the procedural way of programming I will have to write this function for each element I would like to perform the function on. 我有很多要使用此功能的元素,问题是使用程序化的编程方式,我必须为要在其上执行功能的每个元素编写此功能。 For example: 例如:

$("#expand_Date_object").on("click", function(){

As you can see the only thing that changed was the #expand_label_object and #expand_label_info. 如您所见,唯一改变的是#expand_label_object和#expand_label_info。

Does anyone have any advise for how I can go about creating an object in javascript that will be able to perform the work of this function and then I can simply instantiate a new object of this "class" that can perform the task on the new information provided in example #expand_Date_Object. 有没有人对我如何在javascript中创建一个能够执行此功能的对象的方法有任何建议,然后我可以简单地实例化此“类”的新对象,该对象可以在新信息上执行任务在示例#expand_Date_Object中提供。

Or should I write a plugin for jquery that will handle this. 或者我应该为jquery写一个插件来处理这个问题。 If so how? 如果可以,怎么办?

  1. Can I create an object and prototype that object? 我可以创建一个对象并对该对象进行原型设计吗?
  2. Should I use a constructor? 我应该使用构造函数吗?
  3. How will I be able to handle the jquery library in a prototype framework? 如何在原型框架中处理jquery库?

You can create a named function, call function setting this to current clicked element utilizing Function.prototype.call() , pass selector string as parameter to function 您可以创建一个名为函数,调用函数设置this来利用当前点击的元素Function.prototype.call()通过选择字符串作为参数的功能


  function handleClick(selector) { 

  $("#expand_label_object").on("click", function() { 
    handleClick.call(this, "#expand_label_info")

  $("#expand_Date_object").on("click", function() { 
    handleClick.call(this, "#expand_Date_info")


It seems that you want an elegant code based on OOP paradigm ; 似乎您想要一个基于OOP范例的优雅代码; if so , you could take advantage from ES6 syntax: 如果是这样,您可以利用ES6语法:

1. Build Abstract API : 1.构建抽象API:

   //- -- JQuery Class

   class $Class{
             this.parent= parent;
         get element(){
             return (this.parent)?$(this.selector,this.parent):$(this.selector);



    //Common service (contains static methods)

        class CommonService{

            static toggle1(htmlElement){


2. Use API : 2.使用API​​:

 var exp_label=new $Class('#expand_label_object');
 exp_label.on('click',function(){ CommonService.toggle1(this)} ) 

  // the same of the other code , it will be : 
 var exp_date=new $Class('#expand_Date_object');
 exp_date.on('click',function(){ CommonService.toggle1(this)} ) 

Hope this OOP that you target. 希望您以此为目标。

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