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Asp.Net Foreach和groupby

[英]Asp.Net Foreach and groupby

I want get all my records and group by ProgramId and then view this. 我想获取所有记录并按ProgramId分组,然后查看此内容。

var userProgramsStats = (from a in db.Statistics where a.UserId == login.GetUserObject().UserId select a)
                .GroupBy(a => a.ProgramId);

ViewBag.userProgramsStats = userProgramsStats

And in template: 并在模板中:

 @foreach (var item in ViewBag.UserProgramsStats)

Unfortunately I see this error: 不幸的是,我看到此错误:

An unhandled exception has occurred: 'object' does not contain a definition for 'MoneyRate' 发生未处理的异常:“对象”不包含“ MoneyRate”的定义

I must get all records where userid, and then groupby programid and sum one column MoneyRate . 我必须把所有记录其中userid,然后GROUPBY programid ,总结一列MoneyRate Then I want use like this: 然后我想这样使用:

@item.MoneyRate<br /> // sum MoneyRate

Your error is due to the wrong type of object of your data item : While processing the foreach, the type of your data is not recognized. 您的错误是由于数据item的对象类型错误引起的:在处理foreach时,无法识别您的数据类型。

You should specify a Data Model : 您应该指定一个数据模型:

public class UserStat {

   public double MoneyRate { get; set; }
   public string ColumnNormal {get; set;} 

   public UserStat() { }
   public UserStat(double moneyRate, string columnNormal)
       MoneyRate = moneyRate;
       ColumnNormal = columnNormal;

Then in your template, you should : 然后在模板中,您应该:

@foreach (UserStat item in ViewBag.UserProgramsStats)

You might also do something like this: 您可能还会执行以下操作:

@foreach (dynamic item in ViewBag.UserProgramsStats)

Using the dynamic keyword will evaluate if the property exist at run time. 使用dynamic关键字将评估该属性在运行时是否存在。

You are getting a type error because the type of userProgramsStats does not contain a property MoneyRate. 您收到类型错误,因为userProgramsStats的类型不包含属性MoneyRate。

You say you want to sum the MoneyRate column, to do this you need to project the grouped result into a new type. 您说要对MoneyRate列求和,为此,您需要将分组结果投影到新类型中。

Taking your existing query I've added a select statement onto the end of it that projects into a new anonymous type the programId and the sum of the MoneyRate column for each programId. 考虑到您现有的查询,我在其末尾添加了一条select语句,该语句投影到一个新的匿名类型中,即programId和每个programId的MoneyRate列的总和。

var result = (from a in db.Statistics where a.UserId login.GetUserObject().UserId select a)
                .GroupBy(a => a.programid)
                .Select(group => new { MoneyRateSum = group.Sum(i => i.MoneyRate), ProgramId = group.Key });

For more information on projecting and anonymous types read https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397914.aspx . 有关投影类型和匿名类型的更多信息,请阅读https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/bb397914.aspx

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