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[英]reverse doubly linked list in c#

I'am trying to reverse circular doubly linked list, which looks like this: 我正在尝试反向循环双链表,如下所示: 看起来像这样

Here is my Node class: 这是我的Node类:

       private class Node<T>
       public T Data { get; set; }
       public Node<T> PreviousNode { get; set; }
       public Node<T> NextNode { get; set; }

       public Node(object data, Node<T> next, Node<T> previous)
           Data = (T) data;
           PreviousNode = previous;
           NextNode = next;

And here is part of my Linked list class, here is my reverse funtion is stored: 这是我的链接列表类的一部分,这是我存储的反向函数:

 public class DoublyLinkedList<T> :IList<T>
    private Node<T> headerNode;
 public DoublyLinkedList()
        headerNode = new Node<T>(null, null, null);

        headerNode.NextNode     = headerNode;
        headerNode.PreviousNode = headerNode;
        Count = 0;

   public void Insert(int index, T item)
        Node<T> node;

        if (index == Count)
            node = new Node<T>(item, headerNode, headerNode.PreviousNode);                                                                   
            Node<T> tmp = FindNodeAt(index); 

            node = new Node<T>(item, tmp, tmp.PreviousNode);

        node.PreviousNode.NextNode = node; 
        node.NextNode.PreviousNode = node; 


 public void Reverse()
       Node<T> temp;
       for (Node<T> node = headerNode.NextNode; node != headerNode; node = node.NextNode)


I completly stuck with this Reverse() function. 我完全坚持使用此Reverse()函数。 Any help? 有什么帮助吗?

The algorithm for reversing a linked list is very simple: 反向链接列表的算法非常简单:

  • Is the list empty or one element? 列表为空还是一个元素? If yes, then it is already reversed. 如果是,则它已经被撤消。
  • Otherwise, create a new empty list. 否则,请创建一个新的空列表。 In a loop, remove the first item from the old list and add it to the start of the new list. 在循环中,从旧列表中删除第一项,并将其添加到新列表的开头。 Loop until the first list is empty. 循环直到第一个列表为空。

So, break it down into smaller pieces. 因此,将其分解成较小的部分。 Can you write methods that (1) check if a list is empty (2) or one element (3) remove the first item from a non-empty list, (4) put an item onto the head of a list ? 您是否可以编写以下方法(1)检查列表是否为空(2)或一个元素(3)从非空列表中删除第一项,(4)将项目放在列表的开头? If you can write those four methods then you can combine them together to write Reverse. 如果您可以编写这四种方法,则可以将它们组合在一起以编写Reverse。

This is how you should be approaching your programming problems; 这就是解决编程问题的方式。 programming is all about breaking complex problems down into simpler problems, solving the simpler problems, and combining the solutions. 编程就是将复杂的问题分解成更简单的问题,解决这些更简单的问题,并组合解决方案。

Rather than reverse the list why not write a couple of methods that get the "next" and "previous" node of the list depending on a direction flag that's passed in: 与其反转列表,不如编写一些方法来根据传入的方向标记获取列表的“下一个”和“上一个”节点:

public Node Next(Node current, bool forward)
    return forward ? current.NextNode : current.PreviousNode;

public Node Previous(Node current, bool forward)
    return forward ? current.PreviousNode : current.NextNode;

You could replace bool forward by an enum with values Forwards & Backwards if that'd make the code easier to read. 如果可以使代码更易于阅读,则可以用值为ForwardsBackwards的枚举代替bool forward

If you want to reverse the current list - then this should work : 如果您想撤消当前列表-那么应该可以:

public void Reverse()
   if (count < 2)

   Node<T> node = headerNode;
        Node<T> temp = node.NextNode;
        node.NextNode = node.PreviousNode;
        node.PreviousNode = temp;
        node = temp;
   while (temp != headerNode)

The first lines check for empty or single element list. 第一行检查空列表或单个元素列表。 The main loop iterates through the list swapping the previous & next nodes, stopping when it gets back to the header node. 主循环遍历列表,交换上一个和下一个节点,并在返回到头节点时停止。 The result is a reversed list. 结果是一个反向列表。

Thanks everybody, I have found the solution. 谢谢大家,我找到了解决方案。

 public void Reverse()
       var currNode = headerNode;
           var temp = currNode.NextNode;
           currNode.NextNode = currNode.PreviousNode;
           currNode.PreviousNode = temp;
           currNode = currNode.PreviousNode;
       while (currNode != headerNode);

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