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[英]Polymer: Stop children from toggling mouseenter/out events

I have a Polymer component that has listeners to on-mouseenter and on-mouseout .我有一个 Polymer 组件,它具有on-mouseenteron-mouseout侦听器。

listeners: {
    mouseenter: 'mouseEnter',
    mouseout: 'mouseOut',


mouseEnter: function (e) {
    this.$.deleteBtn.style.display = 'block';

mouseOut: function (e) {
    this.$.deleteBtn.style.display = 'none';

Inside that are multiple other elements.里面有多个其他元素。

The issue is, that the events trigger for all child elements and not only the parent container.问题是,事件触发所有子元素,而不仅仅是父容器。 Especially the mouseout seems to trigger multiple times.尤其是mouseout似乎多次触发。 I only want them to be triggered when the host is entered or exited, not for all individual children.我只希望在进入或退出主机时触发它们,而不是针对所有单独的孩子。 Otherwise causes all kinds of unexpected behaviour.否则会导致各种意外行为。

This could be solved, if I didnt use the Polymer listeners, but as I would like to be consistent and have the proper scope, this is not really an option.如果我不使用 Polymer 侦听器,这可以解决,但由于我希望保持一致并具有适当的范围,因此这不是一个真正的选择。 What am I missing?我错过了什么?

You should use mouseleave instead of mouseout , because mouseout is triggered for each child element.您应该使用mouseleave而不是mouseout ,因为每个子元素都会触发mouseout

See here and here for more info.请参阅此处此处了解更多信息。

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