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Android:IllegalStateException:无法从CursorWindow读取行24929,col 0

[英]Android: IllegalStateException: Couldn't read row 24929, col 0 from CursorWindow

I need help with this error: 我需要这个错误的帮助:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn't read row 24929, col 0 from CursorWindow. 
Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it

In this code: 在这段代码中:

SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase();
Cursor res = db.rawQuery("select id from " + pTable, null);

if (res != null) {
    if (res.getCount() != 0) {
        int id;
        while (!res.isAfterLast()) {
            id = res.getInt(res.getColumnIndex("id")); // <-- Error was here
            // ...

This code works sometimes, but when I have many rows (like 25k rows) I get this Exception. 这段代码有时可以工作,但是当我有很多行(比如25k行)时,我会得到这个例外。 Is it a Android restriction? 这是Android限制吗?

Could you help me with that? 你能帮帮我吗? Thanks! 谢谢!

 public ArrayList<Model> Name(){
    ArrayList<Model> ModelList = new ArrayList<>();
    db = getWritableDatabase();
    Cursor c = db.rawQuery(" SELECT * FROM " + pTable,null );
    while (c.moveToNext()){
        String id = c.getString(0);
 return ModelList;

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