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如何在UWP XAML中关闭网格包装?

[英]How to turn off wrapping in a grid in UWP XAML?

I need a template where the wrapping of the grid items should be turned off and list them vertically (as a listview control would) and stretch the items to the whole width of the page. 我需要一个模板,其中应关闭网格项目的包装,并垂直列出它们(就像listview控件一样),并将这些项目拉伸到页面的整个宽度。 How do I turn off wrapping of the grid without fixing the width of the items. 如何在不固定项目宽度的情况下关闭网格包装。

Thanks, Soorya 谢谢,Soorya

If you don't want wrapping, then don't use a WrapGrid anymore. 如果您不希望包装,则不再使用WrapGrid。 Change the ItemsPanel in your GridView to <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" /> . 将GridView中的ItemsPanel更改为<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" /> Best of luck! 祝你好运!

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