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[英]How to make R loop faster?

I'm trying to convert a nested json file to a data frame in R using the following function: 我正在尝试使用以下函数将嵌套的json文件转换为R中的数据框:

rf1 <- function(data) {
master <-
  id = character(0),
  awardAmount = character(0),
  awardStatus = character(0),
  tenderAmount = character(0)
 for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
 temp1 <- unlist(data$data$awards[[i]]$status)
 length <- length(temp1)
 temp2 <- rep(data$data$id[i], length)
 temp3 <- rep(data$data$value$amount[[i]], length)
 temp4 <- unlist(data$data$awards[[i]]$value[[1]])
 tempDF <-
   data.frame(id = temp2, 
              awardAmount = temp4, 
              awardStatus = temp1,
              tenderAmount = temp3)
   master <- rbind(master, tempDF)

Here's an example of the json files I'm using: 这是我正在使用的json文件的示例:

    "data" : {
        "id" : "3f066cdd81cf4944b42230ed56a35bce",
        "awards" : [
                "status" : "unsuccessful",
                "value" : {
                    "amount" : 76
                "status" : "active",
                "value" : {
                    "amount" : 41220
        "value" : {
            "amount" : 48000
    "data" : {
        "id" : "9507162e6ee24cef8e0ea75d46a81a30",
        "awards" : [
                "status" : "active",
                "value" : {
                    "amount" : 2650
        "value" : {
            "amount" : 2650
    "data" : {
        "id" : "a516ac43240c4ec689f3392cf0c17575",
        "awards" : [
                "status" : "active",
                "value" : {
                    "amount" : 2620
        "value" : {
            "amount" : 2650

As you can see, the three observations have different number of awards (the first observation has two awards while the other two have only one). 正如您所看到的,这三个观察的奖项数量不同(第一个观察有两个奖项,而另外两个只有一个奖励)。 Since I'm looking for a table-view data frame, I'm filling the empty cells with repetitive information such as data$id and data$value$amount . 由于我正在寻找一个表视图数据帧,我正在填充空单元格中的重复信息,例如data$iddata$value$amount

The json file has approximately 100,000 observations, so it takes forever to return a data frame (I've been waiting for more than 30 minutes and still no result). json文件有大约100,000个观察值,因此返回一个数据帧需要永远(我已经等了30多分钟但仍然没有结果)。 I think that there might be a way to run all the temp lines in parallel, which should save a lot of time, but I'm not sure how to implement that in my code. 我认为可能有一种方法可以并行运行所有temp行,这可以节省大量时间,但我不知道如何在我的代码中实现它。

To give you a sense of the output I'm looking for, I limited my function to for (i in 1:3) , which produced the following data frame. 为了让您了解我正在寻找的输出,我将我的功能限制for (i in 1:3) ,这产生了以下数据帧。 My question is how to do the same thing but for 100,000 observations. 我的问题是如何做同样的事情,但是对于100,000次观察。 Note, the json example corresponds to the sample output. 注意,json示例对应于示例输出。

Desired output: 期望的输出:


This is by no means elegant, but it appears to work: 这绝不是优雅的,但似乎有效:


json_data <- '[{"data":{"id":"3f066cdd81cf4944b42230ed56a35bce","awards":[{"status":"unsuccessful","value":{"amount":76}},{"status":"active","value":{"amount":41220}}],"value":{"amount":48000}}},{"data":{"id":"9507162e6ee24cef8e0ea75d46a81a30","awards":[{"status":"active","value":{"amount":2650}}],"value":{"amount":2650}}},{"data":{"id":"a516ac43240c4ec689f3392cf0c17575","awards":[{"status":"active","value":{"amount":2620}}],"value":{"amount":2650}}}] '

# parse original JSON records
parsed_json_data <- fromJSON(json_data)$data

# extract awards data, un-nest the nested parts, and re-assemble awards into a data frame for each id
awards <- map2(.x = parsed_json_data$id, 
               .y = parsed_json_data$awards,
               .f = function(x, y) bind_cols(data.frame('id' = rep(x, nrow(y)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), as.data.frame(as.list(y))))

# bind together the data frames over all ids
awards <- 
  bind_rows(awards) %>% 
  rename(awards_status = status, awards_amount = amount)

# remove awards data from original parsed data
parsed_json_data$awards <- NULL

# un-nest the remaining data structures
parsed_json_data <- as.data.frame(as.list(parsed_json_data), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# join higher-level data with awards data (in denormalisation process)
final_data_frame <- inner_join(parsed_json_data, awards, by = 'id')

#   id                                amount  awards_status  awards_amount
# 1 3f066cdd81cf4944b42230ed56a35bce  48000   unsuccessful   76
# 2 3f066cdd81cf4944b42230ed56a35bce  48000         active   41220
# 3 9507162e6ee24cef8e0ea75d46a81a30   2650         active   2650
# 4 a516ac43240c4ec689f3392cf0c17575   2650         active   2620

Another approach is to remove the work form R and re-construct your mongodb query. 另一种方法是删除工作表单R并重新构建您的mongodb查询。

If this is your data in mongodb 如果这是您在mongodb中的数据


In the mongo shell you can write a query along the lines of 在mongo shell中,您可以按行编写查询

        { "$unwind" : "$data.awards"},
        { "$group" : { 
            "_id" :  {"id" : "$data.id", "status" : "$data.awards.status"}, 
            "awardAmount" : { "$sum" : "$data.awards.value.amount" },
            "tenderAmount" : { "$sum" : "$data.value.amount" }
        { "$project" : { 
              "id" : "$_id.id", 
              "status" : "$_id.status", 
              "awardAmount" : "$awardAmount", 
              "tenderAmount" : "$tenderAmount", 
              "_id" : 0}  } 

(note: I'm not a mongodb expert, so there may be a slightly more concise way of writing this) (注意:我不是mongodb专家,所以可能会有更简洁的方式来写这个)

Which you can also use in R 你也可以在R中使用它

mongo <- mongo(collection = "json", db = "test")

qry <- '[  
                    { "$unwind" : "$data.awards"},
                    { "$group" : { 
                                "_id" :  {"id" : "$data.id", "status" : "$data.awards.status"}, 
                                "awardAmount" : { "$sum" : "$data.awards.value.amount" },
                                "tenderAmount" : { "$sum" : "$data.value.amount" }
                    { "$project" : {  
                                "id" : "$_id.id", 
                                "status" : "$_id.status", 
                                "awardAmount" : "$awardAmount", 
                                "tenderAmount" : "$tenderAmount",
                                "_id" : 0}  

df <- mongo$aggregate(pipeline = qry)
#   awardAmount tenderAmount                               id       status
# 1        2620         2650 a516ac43240c4ec689f3392cf0c17575       active
# 2       41220        48000 3f066cdd81cf4944b42230ed56a35bce       active
# 3        2650         2650 9507162e6ee24cef8e0ea75d46a81a30       active
# 4          76        48000 3f066cdd81cf4944b42230ed56a35bce unsuccessful

This may be most the unsophisticated approach there is. 这可能是最简单的方法。 It doesn't use JSON parsing, but utilizes a bunch of regex's 它不使用JSON解析,而是使用一堆正则表达式

But yeah, I agree with SymbolixAU that doing it in the mongo query is the way to go. 但是,我同意SymbolixAU,在mongo查询中这样做是可行的。

# load json file ("file.json") just as a single string / single-element character vector 
jsonAsString <- readChar("file.json", file.info("file.json")$size)

# chunk the tenders
dataChunks <- unlist(strsplit(jsonAsString, '"data" : \\{'))
dataChunks <- dataChunks[grepl("id", dataChunks)]     # this removes the unnecessary header

# get the award subchunks
awardSubChunks <- gsub('.*("awards".*?}.*?}.*?]).*', "\\1", dataChunks)

  # scrape status values out of the award subchunks
statusIndex <- gregexpr('(?<="status" : ")([[:alnum:]]*)', awardSubChunks, perl = T)
status <- unlist(regmatches(awardSubChunks, statusIndex))

  # scrape bidAmount value out of the award subchunks
bidAmountIndex <- gregexpr('(?<="amount" : )([[:alnum:]]*)', awardSubChunks, perl = T)
bidAmount <- unlist(regmatches(awardSubChunks, bidAmountIndex))

# get the id and tender by removing the award subchunks
idTenderAmount <- gsub('"awards".*?}.*?}.*?]', "", dataChunks)

  # scrape id and tenderAmount values
id <- gsub('.*"id" : "([[:alnum:]]*)".*', "\\1", idTenderAmount)
tenderAmount <- gsub('.*"amount" : ([[:alnum:]]*).*', "\\1", idTenderAmount)

# find the number of bids per Id in order to find number of times id and tenderAmount needs to be repeated
numBidsPerId <- gregexpr("value", awardSubChunks)
numBidsTotal <- sapply(numBidsPerId, length)

# putting things together
df <- data.frame(id = rep(id, numBidsTotal),
                 tenderAmount = rep(tenderAmount, numBidsTotal),
                 status = status,
                 bidAmount = bidAmount)

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