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[英]Can I infer type of a property in the delegate?

I have this code. 我有这个代码。 It will findViewById with a delegate. 它将找到带有委托的findViewById

val backgroundImage: ImageView by lazy { view<ImageView>(R.id.item_component_section_background) }

fun <T: View> view(id : Int) : T {
    val view : View = findViewById(id) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Given ID could not be found in current layout!")

    return view as T

Is there any way to remove the view<ImageView> for something like view in the lazy-block? 有什么办法可以删除lazy-block中的view之类的view<ImageView>吗? Can I get or infer the type of the property in the function view() ? 我可以在函数view()获取或推断属性的类型吗?

You can have 你可以有

val backgroundImage by lazy { view<ImageView>(R.id.imageView) }

or 要么

val backgroundImage by lazy<ImageView> { view(R.id.imageView) }

Note that in both cases the type of backgroundImage is inferred from the right hand side expression type. 请注意,在这两种情况下, backgroundImage的类型都是从右侧表达式类型推断出来的。


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